On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 11:40 PM, Boycott Tech Forums
<boycotttechfor...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I am a Sr. Software Engineer in USA who (like many others) have been
> unfairly treated with offshore software engineers who have the audacity to
> take our jobs, yet ask (mostly) American engineers to help them with their
> technical challenges via Technical Forums (like this one).
> One solution is a bit of Grass Root Protectionism by boycotting technical
> forums. Perhaps if it takes an offshore engineer 2 hours to solve a problem,
> then the employer would see the real cost implication.
> I encourage American engineers who spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to
> develop their skills not to give it away so freely.

Without foreign engineers working on pgsql it wouldn't be nearly as
far along as it is today.

I live and work in America, but I am not about to sign on to this shit.

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