Just follow Google's motto "Don't be evil" :-)

We are all engineers from the same field,
so Let's all be friends

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Boycott Tech Forums 
  To: pgsql-sql@postgresql.org 
  Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2009 6:40 AM
  Subject: [SQL] Grass Root Protectionism

  I am a Sr. Software Engineer in USA who (like many others) have been unfairly 
treated with offshore software engineers who have the audacity to take our 
jobs, yet ask (mostly) American engineers to help them with their technical 
challenges via Technical Forums (like this one).

  One solution is a bit of Grass Root Protectionism by boycotting technical 
forums. Perhaps if it takes an offshore engineer 2 hours to solve a problem, 
then the employer would see the real cost implication.

  I encourage American engineers who spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to 
develop their skills not to give it away so freely.

  Spread the word...
  Boycott Tech Forums

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