On Jun 25, 2013, at 11:09 AM, Camille Teruel wrote:

> On 25 juin 2013, at 10:28, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
>> On Jun 24, 2013, at 6:59 PM, Camillo Bruni <camillobr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 2013-06-24, at 18:55, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.duca...@inria.fr> wrote:
>>>> the isBlah is not optimal now it is just there and we cannot rewrite 
>>>> everything. 
>>>> I still think that is: is a nice way to kill some of the isPlague in 
>>>> Object.
>>> I still don't see what you solve, and the idea to use symbols for #is: is 
>>> also
>>> wrong, for me that's going back to string-based programming.
>> well, that's basically my argument agains #is: 
>> IMO is also an important performance issue in many cases, because is 
>> replacing a simple send with a string comparison and that can provoke 
>> slowdowns in some places (no idea where,  this is just theoretical :)...
>> Of course, as "pharo designers" we should be careful on not overpopulate 
>> Object with isBlah methods... but sometimes they are needed :)
> +1.
> Indeed, sometimes they are needed. You can't replace every isXXX send with a 
> new visitor or dispatching by adding more and more extension methods all over 
> the place (including Object BTW).

While dispatch is a valid substitute, it:
1) Doesn't pollute Object any less, like you say (you still need a handleXYZ: 
method on Object replacing the previous isX, now doing nothing)
2) Breaks up the flow of the code, making it harder to get a good picture 
without 948 implementors open.

> Yet a fair amount of these methods can be removed.
> I think that a lot of these methods exist only because people think that 
> isKindOf:/isMemberOf: are always evil, and its not true.
> There is at least three cases were I don't feel guilty using 
> isKindOf:/isMemberOf: :
> - In unit tests
> - In #= methods
> - When I really want to ensure that an object is an instance of a specific 
> class (see MethodContext>>#privRefreshWith: for example). This poor's man 
> type checking can be replace with typed slots (that end up using 
> isKindOf/isMemberOf: anyway).

For me, this has the same fundamental problem as using is:.
If you were to, for example, write isKindOf: Number instead of isNumber, try 
quickly identifying the places that is being used without doing a full text 
You can't search for Number, lest you want to sift through all references to 
the class,  and you can't search for isKindOf: without wading through its uses 
with all other classes.
The degree to which this is a problem differs of course.

> If we agree on that we can remove many #isXXX methods.
> Then there is some #isXXX methods that do not belong to Object (ex: 
> #isTransferable belongs to Morph) and others that can be removed just by 
> refactoring senders.
> We can also move some of them to extension methods, that doesn't solve the 
> problem but it's a better packaging.
> Anyway I don't want to rely on #is: method because it conflates a lot of 
> selectors into one. 

The longer I maintain Smalltalk code, the more I appreciate specific selectors 
like #fromADomainObject: / #atMyTypeOfData:. 
Makes refactoring and reasoning about a "dead" image much, much, easier.

Having my Object class unpolluted comes much further down my list of "nice to 
haves", if it can't be rewritten/safely hoisted to an appropriate subclass, 
making them extensions are more than enough imho.


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