thank you again. 

Ok that shows clearly that ZnClient can perfectly stream its contents. I
know it can do it, afterall Monticello is doing it, as soon as I figure out
how Monticello is doing this , its should be a piece of cake. Assuming that
there is such thing as "piece of cake" in coding :D 

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
> Kilon,
> Here is another example:
> OrderedCollection streamContents: [ :out |
>   [ ZnClient new 
>         signalProgress: true; 
>         url: ''; 
>         downloadTo: '/tmp' ]
>      on: HTTPProgress 
>      do: [ :notification | out nextPut: notification. notification resume
> ] ].
> The resulting collection has more than 1000 elements.
> So from the standpoint of Zn it works.
> What is then done with the notifications is another thing.
> Regards,
> Sven
> On 24 Sep 2013, at 22:53, kilon <


> > wrote:
>> The confusion of the noob, I saw a method though it was a class, did not
>> see
>> "self" in front of it. Yeap its definitely Zinc , its staring me in the
>> face
>> with that blank look :D
>> Ok then its certainly my lack of understanding. I will take my time
>> learning
>> how Zinc works and how progress bar works. Will take a deeper look into
>> how
>> Monticello uses it. Thanks for the help, I should be able to figure this
>> out. If not you will know it by the deep sounds I make when I hit my head
>> against the wall.  
>> Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
>>> On 24 Sep 2013, at 22:23, kilon <
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Actually it works its just that is not meant to create a progress bar. 
>>>> To create a progressbar I created a new test
>>>> testProgressBar
>>>>    UIManager default informUserDuring: [ :bar |
>>>>            [ ^ ZnClient new
>>>>                            signalProgress: true;
>>>>                            get: '' ]
>>>>                    on: HTTPProgress 
>>>>                    do: [ :progress | 
>>>>                            bar label: progress printString. 
>>>>                            progress isEmpty ifFalse: [ bar current: 
>>>> progress percentage ].
>>>>                            progress resume ] ]
>>>> it displays the progressbar , but it displays no progress (blue bar
>>>> thing)
>>>> and it close as soon as it finish the get. I tried to implement that 
>>>> in 
>>>> createImageFromTemplate
>>>>    | name   |
>>>>    name := UIManager default request: 'Image name?'.
>>>>    self showDownloadInProgress.
>>>>    [UIManager default informUserDuring: [ :bar |
>>>>            [   imageGroup extractTemplate: self selectedTemplate to: name]
>>>>                    on: HTTPProgress 
>>>>                    do: [ :progress | 
>>>>                            bar label: progress printString. 
>>>>                            progress isEmpty ifFalse: [ bar current: 
>>>> progress percentage ].
>>>>                            progress resume ] ]] on: PhLDownloadError
>>>>            do: [ :err | 
>>>>                    UIManager default alert: err longDescription.
>>>>                    ^ self ].
>>>>    self updateAll.
>>>> I assume that code is deeply flawed , hence why it does not display me
>>>> any
>>>> progressbar at all. Looks like I have a lot to learn. 
>>>> First I am not sure if ZnClient downloads in packets and if it reports
>>>> progress per packet  . If its progress is upon success of download then
>>>> it
>>>> does not help at all , because in that case there will be only one
>>>> stage
>>>> of
>>>> progress upon success of download. I want multiple stages of progress
>>>> so
>>>> the
>>>> download bar increases from 0% to 100%(preferably per kb ). IF that is
>>>> the
>>>> cace then probably I will be better using the HTTP client of monticello
>>>> to
>>>> download the images which I know it works that way. 
>>>> Is there a particular reason why we should stick to Zinc ? 
>>> The HTTP client of Monticello _is_ ZnClient, see
>>> MCHttpRepository>>#httpClient ;-)
>>> Now, for performance reasons, progress in only signalled every ZnUtils
>>> class>>#streamingBufferSize which is currently 16K.
>>> Apart from that, the download might go that fast that there is little to
>>> show.
>>> I am certainly not claiming that the HTTPProgress stuff is perfect, but
>>> it
>>> seems to work.
>>>> I am open to suggestions :) 
>>>> Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
>>>>> On 24 Sep 2013, at 15:18, kilon <
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> ah yes of course. Ok thanks for adding me. 
>>>>>> I took a look at the code, it points back to Zinc , it look like I
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> need to override  ZnClient >> withProgressDo: , no Idea how to do
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> currently but will continue looking into . I also found how
>>>>>> monticello
>>>>>> uses
>>>>>> progress bars when downloading repos but it does not seem to use Zinc
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> all. So yeah this will take me quite some time to implement. 
>>>>> Progress is indicated by HTTPProgress Notification that are being
>>>>> signalled by the underlying code. You have to catch them and do
>>>>> something
>>>>> with them.
>>>>> Have a look at ZnClientTests>>#testProgress
>>>>> Although the example in the comment does no longer seem to work...
>>>>>> Its Fun none the less ;) 
>>>>>> Damien Cassou wrote
>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 1:21 PM, kilon <
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> yeah I will give it a try, don't know how long will take me but I
>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>> you have done with Pharo Launcher. I will create an enhancement
>>>>>>>> issue
>>>>>>>> when I
>>>>>>>> have it working as I want and report back. Esteban has granted me
>>>>>>>> commit
>>>>>>>> right to pharo 3 inbox too so I will commit there. Or do you want
>>>>>>>> me
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> contribute directly to smalltalk hub repo ?
>>>>>>>> I am new with pharo and morphic so please bare with me :)
>>>>>>> the Pharo3Inbox is only for code integrated in Pharo itself. The
>>>>>>> launcher won't be integrated in Pharo. I added you to the project
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Damien Cassou
>>>>>>> "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
>>>>>>> losing enthusiasm."
>>>>>>> Winston Churchill
>>>>>> --
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