Wheezy is the official debian 7.

On Tuesday, October 8, 2013, Goubier Thierry <thierry.goub...@cea.fr> wrote:
> Ouch, this bug is really annoying :(
> I really feel like I should remove the pharo ppa from my system... I'm
hitting it regularly because there are some leftovers configs using it.
> Hits me when trying to push a big slice to PharoInbox, had to quit and
restart the save process. Twice :(
> Thierry
> Le 07/10/2013 10:12, Damien Cassou a écrit :
>> Can you please try to reproduce this bug:
>> 1- Open a fresh Pharo 2.0
>> 2- Open Monticello
>> 3- Select the package AST-Core
>> 4- Click browse
>> you get a "PharoV20.sources does not exist." error message. You can't
>> Please write your findings in
>> For me, it looks like the problem is in MCPackage>>snapshot
> --
> Thierry Goubier
> CEA list
> Laboratoire des Fondations des Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués
> 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
> France
> Phone/Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 08 32 92 / 83 95

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