> It would be completely silly to have class comments in MD (no matter how cool 
> this would be) _and_ *not* be able to have Nautilus parse/render them, with 
> active links, etc…

With Athens inside the image we will use the pier parser to generate a document 
tree and render it inside the image. 
Now one step at a time. 

>> There are some PEG grammar for markdown, maybe it could be reused so PP can 
>> parse it :)
>> then one could generate Pier format out of markdown :)

What most of you do not get is that. But I do not care about Pier format. I 
care about a REAL solution that can produce a REAL document tree AND that 
***I*** can edit and maintain and enhance so that I can create books.

So I'm pragmatic we wrote the seaside book with pier so I took pier because I 
do not want to write a MD parser and building model
and reinventing the wheel. And I do not want to have to learn a new language 
just to make sure that I can write books.


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