Hi rick

Thanks for your email :)

> This message is mainly for Igor, who probably already curses every time he 
> sees my name on the development list. But, perhaps others have had some 
> experience with this as well.

No igor is not like that.
He loves to see people using what he did and improving in case so please 
This is the best motivation for igor.

> I'm still working on moving my touch applications to Athens. I am running 
> into a major problem with icons. My applications tend to have quite a few 
> icons in them. In the old BitBlt versions, I just used forms for the icons. 
> That same approach fails with Athens as form rendering is time consuming. 
> With just ten medium-sized forms open in my AthensWrapMorph, the system 
> starts to crawl. My guess is that form rendering needs to be sped up before 
> Athens can be widely adopted. Using the form as a paint, while flexible, 
> seems pretty intense.

Yes because the buffer is copied several times around. Igor and Ronie started 
laste thursday an effort to see how to shortcut all the buffers to speed up the 

> Anyway, for most of my applications, switching over to vector-based graphics 
> would be a better choice as it would allow for me to more easily scale to 
> different screen sizes. So, I was excited to try the SVG import. Now that the 
> XMLParser is working, I am running into some problems with the SVG import 
> code. It seems that it doesn't support some of the features that an SVG 
> export from Illustrator produces. I was wondering if I could get some help 
> there.


> First, Illustrator tends to spit out SVGs that use #reflectedCubicBezier 
> curves, which is not yet implemented.

I remember that he started to add some functionalities that were not supported 
by Cairo like arc something. 

> Second, I found a small bug in ASPathConverter>>readPoint The "self 
> skipBlanks" has to be changed to "self skipBlanksAndComma" or multiple points 
> cannot be read in sequence.

Igor will give you access to commit because we need more people helping and 
> Third, while ASPathConverter supports vLineTo: and hLineTo:, 
> AthensCairoPathBuilder does not. I tried implementing these myself but they 
> apparently don't work the way I thought they should.
> Here are two examples of the kind of SVG files I would like to read:
> button-swapShapes.svg - This one fails because of vLineTo: and hLineTo:
> button-erase.svg - This one fails because of reflectedCubicBezier curves.
> Cheers,
> Jeff
> -- 
> Jochen "Jeff" Rick, Ph.D.
> http://www.je77.com/
> Skype ID: jochenrick

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