On 8 January 2014 08:59, J.F. Rick <s...@je77.com> wrote:

> In good news, I was able to implement the S/s functionality and both of my
> SVGs now load properly. I'll try some more soon and commit the changes once
> I have tested it a bit more.
> In bad news, the cacheing was working properly, so I still suspect that
> rendering forms as a paint is too intensive to be practical for many
> applications. I'll try to evaluate it a bit more as I replace forms with
> SVGs. If the forms are causing the problem, then performance should
> noticeably increase.
I just did a little comparison:

| surface time |
surface := AthensCairoSurface extent: 200@200.

surface drawDuring: [ :canvas|
    canvas setPaint: Color red.
    canvas setShape: (0@0 extent: 100@100).
    time := [ 10000 timesRepeat: [ canvas draw ] ] timeToRun.

same as above but with:
    canvas setPaint: (ThemeIcons current backIcon).


same as above but with:
    (canvas setPaint: (ThemeIcons current backIcon)) repeat.


as you can see, even in slowest case, the throughput is:

100*100*10000 = 100'000'000 pixels (texels) per second.

> Cheers,
> Jeff
Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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