On 7 January 2014 19:25, J.F. Rick <s...@je77.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 11:22 AM, Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Right. Converting Form(s) to paint(s) is memory intensive operation.
>> Basically, it copies contents of the form to newly created surface.
>> To avoid this, use caching. Here is an example from ImageMorph:
>>  drawOnAthensCanvas: aCanvas
>>     | cached |
>>     cached := aCanvas cacheAt: image ifAbsentPut: [
>>         image asAthensPaintOn: aCanvas.
>>         ].
>>     aCanvas setPaint: cached.
>>         aCanvas paintTransform restoreAfter: [
>>             aCanvas paintTransform translateBy: self innerBounds origin
>> "negated".
>>             aCanvas drawShape: self innerBounds.
>>         ].
>> without caching, rendering morphic desktop was very slow, since all icons
>> is forms.
> Yes. I had figured that out. Unfortunately, even with cacheing, it was
> slow after enough images were open. It could be that, for whatever reason,
> my cacheing code is not working, but I doubt it. It looks pretty exactly
> like that.
what object you using as a key for cache? because if its temporary object,
then its useless.

>> Anyway, for most of my applications, switching over to vector-based
>>> graphics would be a better choice as it would allow for me to more easily
>>> scale to different screen sizes. So, I was excited to try the SVG import.
>>> Now that the XMLParser is working, I am running into some problems with the
>>> SVG import code. It seems that it doesn't support some of the features that
>>> an SVG export from Illustrator produces. I was wondering if I could get
>>> some help there.
>>> First, Illustrator tends to spit out SVGs that use #reflectedCubicBezier
>>> curves, which is not yet implemented.
>>> Second, I found a small bug in ASPathConverter>>readPoint The "self
>>> skipBlanks" has to be changed to "self skipBlanksAndComma" or multiple
>>> points cannot be read in sequence.
>>> Can you submit the fix, please? Let me know if you need commit rights .
> Thanks. I'd love to contribute. My SmalltalkHub Id is JochenRick.
Okay, i added you. Wellcome.

>  Third, while ASPathConverter supports vLineTo: and hLineTo:,
>>> AthensCairoPathBuilder does not. I tried implementing these myself but they
>>> apparently don't work the way I thought they should.
>> should be straightforward:
>> vLineTo: number
>>     ^ self lineTo: (absolute ifTrue: [ endPoint x@number ] ifFalse: [
>> 0@number ])
>> hLineTo: number
>>      ^ self lineTo: (absolute ifTrue: [ number@endPoint y ] ifFalse: [
>> number@0 ])
> Great. Works like a charm. The swap shapes one now works fine. I can also
> include that in a commit.
>>> Here are two examples of the kind of SVG files I would like to read:
>>> button-swapShapes.svg<http://home.cc.gatech.edu/je77/uploads/1/button-swapShapes.svg>
>>>  -
>>> This one fails because of vLineTo: and hLineTo:
>>> button-erase.svg<http://home.cc.gatech.edu/je77/uploads/1/button-erase.svg> 
>>> -
>>> This one fails because of reflectedCubicBezier curves.
>>> You mean this one?:
>> *S/s * (shorthand/smooth CurveTo)
>> x2,y2
>> x, y
>> Draw a cubic Beizer curve from the current point to (x,y). The first
>> control point is assumed to be the reflection of the second control point 
>> (x2,
>> y2) on the previous command relative to the current point.
>> Yes. Not supported. Yet :)
>> But it should be quite easy to implement.
>> Jochen, i need help with completing SVG importer. So, if you can help,
>> please do.
>> Can you tell me what is your login name on smalltalkhub, so i will add
>> you to
>> http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Pharo/Athens
>> committers?
> Thanks. I'd love to contribute. My SmalltalkHub Id is JochenRick. I can
> take a shot at implementing the S/s thing. If you have any URLs that would
> be helpful for getting started, please send them my way. Otherwise, I'll
> just try to find some documentation on Cairo and SVG. That seems like the
> major obstacle.
> I use W3C/SVG.. i don't think there's any better/more complete and more
comprehensive source than official one :)


> Jeff
> PS I know my name is confusing. My surname is Rick. My forename is Jochen,
> but I go by Jeff for English speaking people.
> hehe.. i typed Jeff at first, but then looked at your profile picture
which says 'Jochen Rick'
and corrected it :)

> --
> Jochen "Jeff" Rick, Ph.D.
> http://www.je77.com/
> Skype ID: jochenrick

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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