Maybe widgets should delegate to the theme the rendering?


Morph subclass: Widget. "So this applies only for widget morphs?"

Widget subclass: List.

List >> drawOn: aCanvas
    self theme drawList: self onCanvas: aCanvas

And then each theme can really render different each widget.

On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 11:10 AM, Esteban Lorenzano <>wrote:

> I’m experimenting with separate the widget from the skin… problem is
> sometimes theming is just change colors, but some others is widget building
> it self, so we will need widget factories (for theme), etc.
> all is doable, but all implies time :)
> On 07 Jan 2014, at 11:07, Stéphane Ducasse <>
> wrote:
> I think this is too convoluted because, like Estaban says, you want to
> keep the theming orthogonal with widget definition.
> Yes I do not like it either.
> But, you gave me an idea:
> If we implement in Morph the followings:
> Morph>>themer
>     ^ themer ifNil: [self themerFor: self theme]
> what would be self theme I do not really like the idea to have all the
> morph talking to UITheme
> theme
> ^ UITheme current
> is not sexy to me
> Morph>>themerFor: aTheme
>     ^ self subclassResponsibility
> And then in a morph we would have something like this:
> SpotlightItemMorph>>themerFor: aTheme
>     ^ aTheme spotterThemer
> SpotlightItemMorph>>onSelected
> self themer configureSelectedItemMorph: self
> Then we could simply do pretty much what you want:
> SpotlightItemMorph new themer: MySpotterThemer new.
> I like this idea. What do you think?
> I do not know. Now what is clear is that we need strategy as in your
> original design. I was thinking about that too.
> Stef

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