On 24 Jun 2014, at 09:58, Esteban A. Maringolo <emaring...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Stef,
> 2014-06-24 3:18 GMT-03:00 stepharo <steph...@free.fr>:
>> Esteban
>> I would like to know how different are the Glorp proxies from the ones of
>> Mariano.
>> Because we are thinking about to get by default a nice proxy system.
>> Proxies in the sense of object representing one that is not in the system
>> (and not proxies
>> as metaobject or representing an object that is around as in the JS
>> literature). Ideally I would like
>> to unify both.
> There's nothing much special about GLORP proxies, and maybe Mariano
> knows better.
> They have a common superclass named "AbstractProxy" (no NS), and they
> work more like "remote references" than anything else.
> They are true proxies, it is, they hold a reference to the realobject,
> but no #become is involved in the process.
> Also proxies can "release" the referenced object and materialize it
> back when needed (according to the proxy strategy).
> Proxy>>#class returns Proxy, but Proxy>>#isKindOf: aClass returns
> whether the referenced class is aClass (it is, aProxy isKindOf: Proxy
> "false"), #= and #hash causes materialization of the referenced
> object.
> Other than that I couldn't find anything else, it's a classical proxy,
> with some ORM related stuff.

yeah, that’s why I said is not a problem of GLORP proxies but about our 
treatment of proxies in general :)


> Regards!

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