Does it really matter?
If the external repository gets successfully relicensed, or Benjamin publishes 
new improvements as a separate, GPL-licensed change set, the end result is the 
no improvement he makes will make its way back into the versions in Core.

I may not know his reasons, but I can certainly respect his wish that no 
further contributions are included in a core distribution.

Whether to maintain/improve the current, MIT-licensed versions in Core without 
him, or unload it all and point potential users to the external library, is a 
separate decision.
Though, from previous attempts, I’d say the chances of success of an external 
UI-builder framework seeing actual use are rather slim.


On 28 Aug 2014, at 12:16 , Stephan Eggermont <> wrote:

> I think the license might need further improvements.
> I've taken a look at the commit history, and  it looks 
> to me like there is a licensing problem there.  
> I am no lawyer, so don't know what the
> exact consequences of that are.
> The (MIT licensed) Pharo code was copied
> to the repository without including the copyright 
> notice, as is required by the MIT license.
> For new contributions, you now have the
> license agreements, and with git it is 
> perfectly clear what is new, and under
> the new license, and what is old, and
> can therefore also be used under the
> old license. And AFAIK MIT license 
> is compatible with GPL.
> I have no clue as to the license status of
> changes between the copying and the
> relicensing.
> Of course copyright holding contributors can 
> decide to relicense. The contributors to the 
> Spec-* packages in the Pharo/Pharo30 repo 
> seem to be:
> AlainPlantec
> AndreiChis
> BenComan
> BenjaminVanRyseghem
> BernardoContreras
> CamilloBruni
> CamilleTeruel
> ChristopheDemarey
> ClementBera
> DamienCassou
> ErwanDouaille
> EstebanLorenzano
> GabrielOmarCotelli
> GuillermoPolito
> HernanMoralesDurand
> IgorStasenko
> LeoGassman
> MarcusDenker
> MartinDias
> NicolaiHess
> PabloHerrero
> PavelKrivanek
> PhilippeBack
> RobertoMinelli
> SeanDeNigris
> SebastianTleye
> StephaneDucasse
> SvenVanCaekenberghe
> TorstenBergmann
> TudorGirba
> YuriyTymchuk
> Stephan

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