hehe you have not seen me frustrated if you not have seen me code in C++
for windows and being so frustrated at Microsoft MFC that I punched my
screen :D That was 20 years ago and fortunately I have not punched a screen
since then.  That day was the day I realised I did not have the patience ,
the metal,  to become a professional coder.

So I can actually tell you that I prefer Pharo over C++ , 1000 times :D

Coding in Pharo was the most fun I have ever had coding in any programming

Nah I only have love for Pharo, this is why each time I contributed I did
not even have a doubt. I think Pharo is awesome and deserves to be
1.000.000 times more popular. The problems I described is a natural thing
for unpopular software. Its not the fault of Pharo its not anyone's fault.
Actually I feel Pharo is on the right road, even on the documentation front
that I always complained Pharo for the Enterprise is very active and new
content is added almost daily. So Pharo is 100% on the right road to

My problem is not Igor , or Athens or transparency animation with pngs. The
problem is that Blender is way more powerful and tailor made for my needs,
Pharo is not. I knew that before starting with Pharo and I knew that Pharo
would something to have fun thing for some time. Blender is 1 million lines
of code , speciallised to high performance 3d graphics , build on top of a
language that is the most popular for 3d graphics and on top of very
powerful and mature libraries for 3d.

So Pharo was never trully want I wanted and I knew that. Pharo was the most
beautiful distraction. I just realised it was about time to get coding
Blender source. I played around with Pharo so much cause I was not eager to
start coding again in C++ :D

Also I think its unfair to put Athens in one developer responsibility,
there is only so much one coder can do and frankly Igor has already done a
lot for Pharo. Athens is certainly not the only area Pharo needs polishing.
Lets talk about very basic stuff like git support , Pharo is not there yet.
If you have worked with other languages there are some things that you take
for granted.

Igor has been more than helpful, never left any of my questions about
Athens and NBOpenGL unanswered , he is a great guy :)

So I have only love for Pharo I will keep playing around with it , just way
less frequently.

I wish you all good luck, thanks for helping me understand and enjoy Pharo.
 See you around :)

On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 10:07 PM, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:

> Le 14/09/2014 18:20, kilon alios a écrit :
>> Thank you all people who helped me. But I don't think it worths to make
>> my project in Pharo, too many problems.  I feel privileged to have
>> helped you with my contributions , I wish the Pharo the best.
>> I could return back to Python but I think its time for me to bite the
>> bullet and learn C/C++, since graphics is an area that deeply interest
>> me (more as an artist less as a coder), so I don't have much of choice.
>> Maybe I can brings some of my code back to Pharo with NB wrappers , I
>> definitely will keep a close eye on Pharo.
> I understand your frustration because I felt it a few months ago.
> Now, you should bet on Athens, that the less risky way and it is part of
> Pharo itself, and it is backed by a C library. For DrGeo, I found bitmap
> rendering to be much faster after Athens use.
> Whenever you meet issue, Igor will be helpful and this will help improving
> Athens.
> Now, I have to admit I don't understand why Igor was distracted with other
> task before finishing and polishing the Athens support on the image. It
> brings to destabilizing state for newcomer or even expert willing to invest
> on Athens use. I got lost many time and I was close to throw all the code
> through the window as well.
> Hilaire
> --
> Dr. Geo - http://drgeo.eu
> iStoa - http://istao.drgeo.eu

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