It depends what you mean by control blender. Blender is 2 things a) C/C++
source code that implements all features that users use b)  the Python API
that allows to use all features that a user can use. Ephestos already
allows full access to (b) . So for example if you wanted Dr Geo to export
its data to blender so Dr Geo can convert its geometry to 3D and use all
the nice features of blender you can do that already with ephestos. But for
modifying existing functionality you need to get your hands dirty with the
source. Implementing new fuctionality like importers / exporters etc is
also doable via API so its doable via Ephestos. But cpu intense new
fuctionality is done by modifying the source.

I am not excluding creating a parser for the blender source , at first the
thought did not cross my mind. If pettitparser has already a C or C++
parser that will be doable for me.

I will have to research it further. If its easy enough I may be sticking
with Pharo afterall.
Le 14/09/2014 21:41, kilon alios a écrit :

> My problem is not Igor , or Athens or transparency animation with pngs.
> The problem is that Blender is way more powerful and tailor made for my
> needs, Pharo is not. I knew that before starting with Pharo and I knew
> that Pharo would something to have fun thing for some time. Blender is 1
> million lines of code , speciallised to high performance 3d graphics ,
> build on top of a language that is the most popular for 3d graphics and
> on top of very powerful and mature libraries for 3d.
Euh, don't get me wrong, I have nothing to complain against Igor, as I
wrote he's very helpful, talented guy with a good load of wisdom.
Nevertheless, part of Athens need to be polished and from my pov it looks
like it is not the priority, and I am disappointed by that. But again my
vision of the situation is from outside, so definitely biased.

Regarding Blender and Pharo: don't you want to control Blender engine from
a Pharo model. I mean why do you want to bother with graphics and animation
rendered by Pharo, it is not what Pharo is good at. What I will do is
design the model in Pharo then drive Blender from it. That should be eaiser
and benefit from the two worlds. Am I wrong?


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