On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 3:14 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:

> Was it a conscious decision to make the GTPlayground Play button act as
> 'play all' (evaluate the whole workspace contents) ?
> If so, why ?
> I find it quite limiting that I cannot select some expression and 'play
> it'. A workspace/playground is like a notebook containing lots of different
> things.

Yes,  it is like this by design. The Play button at the top evaluates the
entire content of the workspace.

To evaluate just an expression you can select it and choose 'Open' from the
context menu, or use CMD+o.
Just right now CMD+o is still broken due to the global shortcuts from
opening tools.

The Play button at the top works like that as we tried to have in the
toolbar only global actions that apply on the entire presentations and not
only on the selection.
Those that apply on the selection go in the context menu and should have

Does this seem ok to you?


> Sven

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