Frankly, I see fogbugz issues closed with some ignore/cannot reproduce
status, so, I am not creating any of them anymore. Why bother, except for
blocking bugs?

I have a set of adjustments on my side and work with them. is where I store them, an in HOExtras
in my SmalltalkHub account.

Sad attitude, but I tell you how it is for me.


On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Esteban Lorenzano <>

> and where is your enhance proposal?
> I made a fogbugz search and I didn’t find anything related to improve
> “cmd+o"
> Esteban
> On 03 Oct 2014, at 09:28, wrote:
> Well, I am COMPLAINING LOUDLY about this lack of menu entries then.
> I hate this super shrunk list of entries in the playground and the GT
> toolset. I love GT, but I hate those damn menus that do not have what I do
> need (which is give me the full menu where I do use the same options Kilon
> mentioned).
> Also, on Cmd-o used to open about all tools, yes, Cmd-o Cmd-p -->
> Monticello
> Cmd-o Cmd-w --> Workspace
> Cmd-o Cmd-b --> Browser
> etc.
> Just GTInspect
> KMCategory allInstances
> and see the two global shortcuts categories (one for Spotlight, one for
> the global shortcuts - and yeah, they should have a name displayed other
> than nil).
> On my own little Pharo, I've set addtional shortcuts for the Finder, the
> File Browser etc as these are sorely missing.
> And GT as well. Cmd-o Cmd-g for opening a Play<g>round.
> So that I can keep Cmd-o Cmd-w for opening a Workspace and keeping all of
> its abilities intact (and not feel crippled by those replacements).
> I actually like Esteban's proposal for Cmd-g as what we do with the
> playground is "give it a go", which is different from a doIt, which can
> stay local and not have side effects on the right side.
> Phil
> On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 8:20 AM, Marcus Denker <>
> wrote:
>> On 02 Oct 2014, at 21:36, Tudor Girba <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 5:19 PM, kilon alios <>
>> wrote:
>>> Is it just me or is the Playground a big step back in the usability of
>>> Pharo ?
>>> For me its Gui makes no sense. Gone is the right click menu which had
>>> tons of useful actions now you only get like a few options. The tab thing
>>> is weird to say the least with the navigation of the tabs being in the
>>> opposite side (bottom) of the navigation of the internal tabs(top). No more
>>> right arrow menu for shortcuts and many features that workspace had.
>> I will concede that the contextual menu is incomplete. We will work on
>> that. In the meantime, the keybindings work as in the classic workspace.
>> And one needs to take into account that the “pull” strategy for menu
>> items is much better than a “push”: Instead of adding just everything that
>> was there, wait till people
>> get *really* upset and implement it. This proves that they *really* need
>> it :-)
>> In a way we used that strategy *a lot* for Pharo… we removed so many menu
>> entries everywhere. Or Settings… the amount of settings that I removed, I
>> guess >100?
>> And the fun thing is: nobody ever complained :-)
>> But if I would have asked: you can be sure that someone reacts like “I
>> never used it but now that you tell me, I want to keep it”.
>> (this is true for every unused feature. Just remove and wait. Never ask.
>> If you ask you will have to keep it. People react to removing unused
>> features as if you would
>> take something away from them that was just stored securely for bad
>> times, as if it would be deeply ingrained in our genes or something).
>> Marcus

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