Ben Coman wrote:

I know everyone is busy and working in their own domains not having the time to review a lot of other people's issues. However I am on my own, not part of a team where I can walk over and tap someone on the shoulder to ask for review of an issue I've resolved. It is a bit discouraging not to be able to proceed for lack of review. I'd be glad for any feedback including "its crap, do it a different way". So consider this a virtual should tap.
I have...
* refactored the two calls to #forMilliseconds: out to a single call
* replaced call to #wait with #waitOr: * added #waitOr:
Here is the diff...

WorldState >> interCyclePause: milliSecs
| currentTime wait |
self serverMode
ifFalse: [
(lastCycleTime notNil and: [CanSurrenderToOS ~~ false]) ifTrue: [ currentTime := Time millisecondClockValue.
wait := lastCycleTime + milliSecs - currentTime.

+ "wait is the time remaining until milliSecs has passed + since lastCycle. If wait is zero or less, no need to Delay"

+ "If wait is greater than milliSeconds then bypass Delay, + by setting wait to zero."
- (wait > 0 and: [ wait <= milliSecs ] ) ifTrue: [
- (Delay forMilliseconds: wait) wait ] ] ]
+ wait > milliSecs ifTrue: [ wait := 0 ] ] ] "btw, wait>milliSecs can only occur when clock rolls over. Eliminate after integrating issue 14353 ?"
- ifTrue: [ (Delay forMilliseconds: 50) wait ].
+ ifTrue: [ wait := 50 ].

+ wait > 0 ifTrue: [ + (Delay forMilliseconds: wait) waitOr: [ + self inform: 'WorldState>>interCyclePause failed.' ] ].

lastCycleTime := Time millisecondClockValue.
CanSurrenderToOS := true.


+Delay >> waitOr: anErrorBlock
+ self schedule.
+ [ beingWaitedOn + ifTrue: [ delaySemaphore wait ] + ifFalse:[ anErrorBlock value ]
+ ] ifCurtailed:[self unschedule].

+"Only the high priority timer event loop (TEL) signals /delaySempahore/. If the + TEL is not running, a delay will block forever (for example the UI will lock up). + /beingWaitedOn/ is only set to true from the TEL (via + DelayScheduler>>scheduleDelay: and Delay>>timingPriorityWaitedOn:) so test + this to determine if TEL is running. Avoid waiting when the TEL is not running."


This is for issue 14669 "Delay refactoring (part 2a) - avoid UI locking up when timer event loop is stopped" that is required to facilitate integration of issue 14353 "Delay refactoring (part 2) - change from milliseconds to microseconds.

cheers -ben

I should add, the test procedure would be:

1. Open Tools > Process Browser
Observe it shows "(80) Delay Scheduling Process: DelayScheduler>>runTimerEventLoop"

2. Merge slice 14669

3. In Workspace do "Delay stopTimerEventLoop"
Observe many informs stream up screen. Now the UI might be a bit slow bit is still responsive. Previously the UI would have locked up. This is the point of this change - having a chance to correct the fault.

4. Update the list in Tools > Process Browser.
Observe process "(80...)" is gone.

5. In Workspace do "Delay startTimerEventLoop"
Observe the informs have stopped.

cheers -ben

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