Hi ben

I'm really bad in concurrent programming. I forwarded your mail to igor because he is good in concurrent programming and told me that monday he will start to work on his paid project so may be he will see my mail.

I want to thank you for your energy and I understand that you can be frustrated by the lack of feedback.
What you are doing is important.

This is why I want to write a couple of chapter on concurrent programming.


I know everyone is busy and working in their own domains not having the time to review a lot of other people's issues. However I am on my own, not part of a team where I can walk over and tap someone on the shoulder to ask for review of an issue I've resolved. It is a bit discouraging not to be able to proceed for lack of review. I'd be glad for any feedback including "its crap, do it a different way". So consider this a virtual should tap.

I have...
* refactored the two calls to #forMilliseconds: out to a single call
* replaced call to #wait  with #waitOr:
* added #waitOr:

Here is the diff...

WorldState >> interCyclePause: milliSecs
| currentTime wait |
self serverMode
ifFalse: [
(lastCycleTime notNil and: [CanSurrenderToOS ~~ false]) ifTrue: [
currentTime := Time millisecondClockValue.
wait := lastCycleTime + milliSecs - currentTime.

+ "wait is the time remaining until milliSecs has passed
+ since lastCycle. If wait is zero or less, no need to Delay"

+ "If wait is greater than milliSeconds then bypass Delay,
+ by setting wait to zero."
- (wait > 0 and: [ wait <= milliSecs ] ) ifTrue: [
- (Delay forMilliseconds: wait) wait ] ] ]
+ wait > milliSecs ifTrue: [ wait := 0 ] ] ] "btw, wait>milliSecs can only occur when clock rolls over. Eliminate after integrating issue 14353 ?"

- ifTrue: [ (Delay forMilliseconds: 50) wait ].
+ ifTrue: [ wait := 50 ].

+ wait > 0 ifTrue: [
+ (Delay forMilliseconds: wait) waitOr: [
+ self inform: 'WorldState>>interCyclePause failed.' ] ].

lastCycleTime := Time millisecondClockValue.
CanSurrenderToOS := true.


+Delay >> waitOr: anErrorBlock
+ self schedule.
+ [beingWaitedOn
+ ifTrue: [ delaySemaphore wait ]
+ ifFalse:[ anErrorBlock value ]
+ ]ifCurtailed:[self unschedule].

+"Only the high priority timer event loop (TEL) signals /delaySempahore/. If the + TEL is not running, a delay will block forever (for example the UI will lock up).
+ /beingWaitedOn/ is only set to true from the TEL (via
+ DelayScheduler>>scheduleDelay: and Delay>>timingPriorityWaitedOn:) so test + this to determine if TEL is running. Avoid waiting when the TEL is not running."


This is for issue 14669 "Delay refactoring (part 2a) - avoid UI locking up when timer event loop is stopped" that is required to facilitate integration of issue 14353 "Delay refactoring (part 2) - change from milliseconds to microseconds.

cheers -ben


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