Hello people, I am really interested since PBE seems to go very well to now
concentrate on a project I had in mind for some time and it is to start a
book on Pharo Morphic.

My plan is to add it to github group SquareBracketAssociates which I am
member of for contributing to the new PBE.

Is that ok with you ?

I will try to port all documentation available already for Morphic from
self and squeak to Pharo 4 and of course add my own pages as well.

I also have forgot my travis password, I have asked here before but none
replied, so if anyone can help me recover my password or create a new one
or create a job for the project , I will appreciate it.

Obviously I want to make this project according to the guidelines of the
community. So if you have suggestions fire away :)

I would like this to be the official book on Morphic , I want it to be both
a tutorial but also a reference book with more emphasis on the reference
side. Probably will divide in into a Part 1 and a Part 2 where Part 1 is
the tutorial and Part 2 is the reference.

I dont expect to of course to do a ton of work and finish this book any
time soon, but then something is better than nothing.

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