Le 19/1/15 22:21, kilon alios a écrit :
Ok then I think the best way to do this is to start this in my own github account then give you guys the link , review the documentation and if you find satisfying add it to SquareBracketAssociates via forking it, if not I can still continue it with my github account. Of course I will use pillar and follow the same workflow as PBE. I don't want to do this via blog posts , I prefer pillar and github.
We can create a repo on

PBE wise looks like from what I see from a first look that 12 out 16 chapters are ported. So PBE is near completion at least at a draft level. I can give a hand with a couple more chapters thats not a big deal.
Thanks. We will have to read it again. I have to check (I got stuck in the model chapter and the first one).

There is no Pharo book for Morphic and for me this is a big omission. Frankly I would take even a small docs about Morphic and Pharo 3/4 over no documentation at all, any day.

Just read what I said.
Go incremental.
I am not saying that you should contribute to a Morphic book I mean this is your choice but its something I want to work on. If people want to contribute all they have to do is fork my repo and send me pull requests or even add them as contributors. If they dont want, no problemo I continue alone.

In any case when I have something substantial (something more than 30 pages) I will alert the list.

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 10:31 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr <mailto:steph...@free.fr>> wrote:

        Hello people, I am really interested since PBE seems to go
        very well to now concentrate on a project I had in mind for
        some time and it is to start a book on Pharo Morphic.

    I would start small and for example as a series of blog posts.
    Then we you reach a certain amount I would then turn them into a book.

    For Spec we plan to collect all the material and have a small booklet.

        My plan is to add it to github group SquareBracketAssociates
        which I am member of for contributing to the new PBE.

        Is that ok with you ?

    it is ok but now the strategy I adopted is the following one:
        - avoid to have many unfinished books (or many not making
    progress or slow progress)
        - this is why I have work in progress to work on the chapters,
    ready for reviews then the chapters will populate the books
        - this way I do not give the impression that Pharo is starting
    stuff and not finishing
        - I would suggest the same: host some chapter in the work in
    progress and when you enough push that to a book.

    I finished an editorial pass on deep into pharo and will continue
    to work on Pharo by example, then resume my work on
    the other books (slow is n't it :)).

        I will try to port all documentation available already for
        Morphic from self and squeak to Pharo 4 and of course add my
        own pages as well.

    There is not much available, or exciting but you can start there.

        I also have forgot my travis password, I have asked here
        before but none replied, so if anyone can help me recover my
        password or create a new one or create a job for the project ,
        I will appreciate it.

    travis I do not know.

        Obviously I want to make this project according to the
        guidelines of the community. So if you have suggestions fire
        away :)

        I would like this to be the official book on Morphic , I want
        it to be both a tutorial but also a reference book with more
        emphasis on the reference side. Probably will divide in into a
        Part 1 and a Part 2 where Part 1 is the tutorial and Part 2 is
        the reference.

        I dont expect to of course to do a ton of work and finish this
        book any time soon, but then something is better than nothing.

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