On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 11:06 PM, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 3:06 PM, Torsten Bergmann <asta...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> >Peter Uhnák
>> >It's still a regular window, so it's possible, the only difference is
>> missing button for it, which according to Tudor was removed purposefully.
>> >
>> >
>> http://forum.world.st/GT-Playground-Inspect-window-menu-tp4782020p4782044.html
>> Looks like I missed this thread. Tudor comment is a little bit funny
>> there: "by default in Morphic every window gets the generic menu that
>> nobody really uses,". When he does not use it it does not mean that all
>> other do not use it ;)
> You are now talking about exactly one item out of 10. When was the last
> time you used the Close menu entry from that menu?
> If we do not go through this process we will find out in 10 years that we
> have the same solutions around us. I know it can be painful but the
> investment is worth it.
I agree with that philosophy. Now btw, one menu item I do miss is "Make
uncloseable".  This make it easier/safer to clean up using "Windows >
Delete all windows discarding edits" **.  Perhaps that could become a pin
icon next the to normal three min/max/close icons in the top left?

**though the Plague Doctor might be interesting to try

cheers -ben

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