On Thu, 5 Feb 2015 11:45:53 +0100 Serge Stinckwich <serge.stinckw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> - Glamour : > https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/view/Books/job/DeepIntoPharo/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/tmp/Glamour.pdf > - Zinc : > https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/EnterprisePharo/tree/master/Zinc-HTTP Thanks, but that was meant more general. If I fire up the Pharo Launcher and go to the configuration browser, I see 25 offerings on the first page, of which roughly 50% (12) give me an idea what they're about. The other 13 - I really have no clue and need to google them ;-) If I'm having a problem with the browser implementation, AltBrowser might be a thing to look at. If "SuperGemMiley" (which might also implement an alternative browser) is something I should look at, I will only find out if I google "<name> pharo" and write down whatever comes up on github, smalltalkhub, jenkins... :-) Best regards, Markus -- Markus Fritsche <mfrits...@reauktion.de>