On Thu, 5 Feb 2015 12:03:11 +0100
Serge Stinckwich <serge.stinckw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Having a catalog will definitively help here.
> You should talk to Stéphane if you want to help us on this.

Something I already thought of a year ago or so. To put something on a 

Tricky bit is to make it sustainable, packages are scattered because the 
community doesn't want to impose a way of working (which is legit). I would 
think a wiki-like catalogue, where authors can describe their solution/ code 
should be considered. That way, if someone doesn't care to describe, someone 
else could do it for him. 

The only link should be the name - no other meta data like versions and so on, 
since a package in the configuration browser should be pretty self contained.

Hosting must be closely tied to the Pharo infrastructure. I know from 
experience, if I was to setup something on my iron, I'd lose interest with a 
few quarters and it would develop into another "tried it, didn't work, can't 
shutoff, can't migrate away" sort of thing...

Best regards,

Markus Fritsche <mfrits...@reauktion.de>

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