Great! Thank you.

And the full image export, is that somewhere (done automatically) ?

> On 23 Apr 2015, at 15:56, Guillermo Polito <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I started yesterday to update WebDoc to work on latest Pharo. I share with 
> you my progress since yesterday:
> - Now it loads in latest pharo4 :)
> - fixed javascript errors and render issues
> - a little of love to the css styles
> - removed unused/not working features
> - made it work well when exporting not the full image
> - ci job is again green [1]
> you can see the result of applying webdoc to webdoc as the result of the ci 
> job here [2]. If you use it further, you'll see there are still of course 
> some problems, but I feel it is better than before :).
> If you want to check it out, instructions in [3]. 
> Download:
> Gofer it 
>    smalltalkhubUser: 'PharoExtras' project: 'WebDoc';
>    package:'ConfigurationOfWebDoc';
>    load.
>  (#ConfigurationOfWebDoc asClass project version: #development) load.
> Export:
> (WebDocExporter packages: {RPackageOrganizer default packageNamed: 
> 'YourProject'}) 
>     title: 'YourProject';
>     exportTo: './doc' asFileReference.
> Guille
> [1]
> [2] 
> [3]!/~PharoExtras/WebDoc

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