On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 4:19 AM, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com>

> I will soon release a “versioner commit tool” who will help with this.
> The process will remain as now:
> you do your changes
> you do “commit version of X” (where X can be from “Rubric” to “GTSpotter”
> (and in the hopefully not far future even “Nautilus” or, why not
> “Pharo-IDE” or even “Pharo”)
> tools will collect packages and configurations and generate new ones,
> using semver nomenclature.
> finally, you will copy your “main” configuration (the root of your change)
> to the inbox (same as now).
> this is the beginning of the end of SLICEd based development.
> and this is the beginning of a modular era :)
> This is almost ready and is a good example of incremental changes that
> produces a fundamental lap (remember “nomads do not build cathedrals” talk
> from Marcus):
> - gofer allows the scripting of commit and load packages
> - metacello allows us to declare and manage dependences
> - versionner does a very good job maintaining metacello configurations
> - version commit tool will allow the automation release pacthes for nested
> configurations
> Esteban
> ps: and when I said almost ready, it is for real: I hope to release an
> alpha version for testing tomorrow :)
> pps: sounds bad to put this last tool in the list to the big
> contributions… at the end, is just a small tool on top of really important
> projects :))

Thanks Esteban. This sounds a good initiative to pull these parts
together.  I look forward to give it a try.

I still maintain there is a need for a tool to merge two Configuration's
resultant-set-of-packages (similar to what is done a Slice's dependants) to
facilitate parallel paths of development. For context, when reviewing
resolved issues, I use Monticello's merge tool to review the individual
changes of a Slice before loading it.  I also find that list a great
reference after loading the Slice. My issue review workflow simultaneously
starts two merges and completes one, leaving the other open as a reference.
Then I can Browse direct to the affected methods and drop halts in them to
get into the debugger to understand what is going on.

There is also a broader issue here. Unless I'm missing something, when
loading a Configuration we are blind to what the changes will be. This has
some small security implications.

I envisage merging a Configuration's resultant-set-of-packages *somehow*
plugs into the existing merge tool.   A Slice's resultant-set-of-packages
is directly specified by its dependants list, so where that list is passed
for further merge processing of individual packages, at that point I
thought we might be able to pass in a Configuration's
resultant-set-of-packages -- but I haven't looked into this yet.

cheers -ben

> > On 27 Apr 2015, at 21:39, Sean P. DeNigris <s...@clipperadams.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > stepharo wrote
> >>    - we do a fix we publish it in Pharo and yes this touches Rubric and
> >>    - we  integrate it in Pharo head
> >
> > I'm not clear what the best process is, but I wanted to relate an
> experience
> > I just had updating TxText...
> > Tool-TxWorkspace-TheIntegrator.6 is the version in Pharo 5.0. Its
> ancestor,
> > which I wanted to copy to the TxText repo, is
> > Tool-TxWorkspace-TorstenBergmann.5. I couldn't find it anywhere. I
> checked
> > the Pharo40, Pharo50, and Pharo/TxText repos; and then started checking
> > others e.g. sig/TxText. Eventually I found it in the Pharo40Inbox,
> copied it
> > over, and updated the config.
> >
> > So, for external projects, simply taking changes from the inbox and
> > integrating seems to be a little lacking. Maybe at least copy the
> packages
> > back to the canonical repos to preserve the ancestry...
> >
> >
> >
> > -----
> > Cheers,
> > Sean
> > --
> > View this message in context:
> http://forum.world.st/Integration-process-in-presence-of-external-project-tp4821054p4822252.html
> > Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Developers mailing list archive at
> Nabble.com.
> >

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