Le 08/05/2015 11:34, stepharo a écrit :
Hi guys

the Transcript in Pharo is that it's not asynchronous so I can't use it
in VM development to show the current progress of the simulation. For
1 to: 100 do: [ :i |
     0.1 seconds asDelay wait.
     Transcript show: 'x'. ]
=> on Squeak, this shows a x every 0.1 second in the Transcript
=> on Pharo, nothing happens during 10 seconds then all the x are shown.


Yes, as do it are evaluated in the World morphic process, running in a forked process or sending World doOneCycle in the loop solve the problem.

Probably in squeak, in Transcript this is done somewhere under the hood.

via dependents ?

        "Display all the characters since the last endEntry, and reset the 
        self semaphore critical:[
                self changed: #appendEntry.
                self reset.

Object>>changed: aParameter
        self dependents do: [:aDependent | aDependent update: aParameter]

And probably not doOnecycle since you cannot do anything else during execution (clicking or moving windows).



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