On Sat, May 9, 2015 at 12:05 AM, Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Either you run doits in separate process (as Sven demonstrated),
> or you run it in UI process, blocking the rest of UI.
> Stef, you complaining about not being able to see output of code that
> blocks a process from doing such output.
> I wonder how you going to fix that, and how much other complaints you will
> face,
> once you will fix that.
> The solution could be to change the whole UI paradigm and separate
> rendering from UI handling, which means that display no longer depends on
> what UI process are busy with.

In troubleshooting a few system red-screen-of-deaths over time, it crossed
my mind a few times that it might be safer if the #drawOn: methods were
written in a functional paradigm, and be passed a kind of "RenderContext"
object containing everything they need to render.

> That means a lot of work revising the way how morphic delivers content to
> the real estate..

I guess Bloc is doing a lot of this work anyway.   Maybe further discussion
of a separate rendering loop would be worthwhile?
cheers -ben

> Only then Transcript could work as expected, scheduling screen updates
> into rendering/screen update schedule, as well as many other applications
> that can benefit from separating rendering pipeline from event handling.
> But alas, even then, you won't be fully satisfied, since VM is single
> threaded and it can be busy only with one thing at a time, either updating
> your screen, or advancing in progress of an action you instructed it to
> perform.
> And i remember many complaints of the past, where people was really
> annoyed that 'Transcript is tooooo damn slow' because often for VM it takes
> more cycles to update transcript than to do any progress with computation
> you run..
> So, the choice is yours: you can run simulation that force updates of its
> progress every microsecond on screen (so fast, that human eye cannot
> notice) and as result your simulation takes hours rather than seconds,
> or you block the updates , or at least do not update that often (for human
> eyes updating more than 25 times per second is overkill).

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