On Sat, May 9, 2015 at 10:35 PM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.mira...@gmail.com>

> On Sat, May 9, 2015 at 7:09 AM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>> From my limited experience bug hunting, calling #changed: from a thread
>> other than the UI thread is a source of evil.
3. Thinking further on this, I suppose the main issue from the original
example is that its running in the UI thread.  In this case I guess calling
#changed: and #refreshWorld is okay (there have been no problems in
Squeak).  So in ThreadSafe>>endEntry we could check to see if we are in the
UI thread and only in that case issue #changed:.   So only the "user
interactive" workspace will see the "slow" behaviour (which any is too fast
for a human to notice), and forked processes will not be slowed.
cheers -ben

> There are too many assumptions throughout the system that the UI is single
>> threaded.  Can anyone advise me that is not a proper belief?
>> Then that implies that a Transcript implementation where #nextPut: direct
>> calls #changed:
>> is not appropriate for use with multi-threaded applications.  In Pharo,
>> #changed: is only called from #stepGlobal, which is called from
>> doOneCycle:.  (This came about as a last minute bug fix before Pharo 3
>> release and maybe could use some cleanup.
>> Separating the UI from Transcript into its own viewer might be a good
>> idea, but actually it would not solve Stef's case since his code would
>> still be running in the UI thread -- unless the viewer ran in another
>> thread, which would have its own complexities.
>> I think the point about efficiency is significant. The following
>> example...
>>      Time millisecondsToRun: [ 1000 timesRepeat:  [ Transcript show: 'x'
>> ] ]
>> on Squeak 4.5 --> 12749ms
>> on Pharo 50029 --> 2ms
>> This better performance helped me a lot trying to understand the high
>> priority timerEventLoop being able to indiscriminately scatter Transcript
>> tracing through that code.  I believe its also probably beneficial for
>> working with externally triggered semaphores and timing sensitive race
>> conditions.
>> So we have two mutually exclusive cases:
>> * better interactivity, poorer system performance
>> * faster system performance, worse interactivity
>> Which of these is broken depends on your viewpoint.
> Something that runs fast but is incorrect is still incorrect.  The fact
> that the transcript doesn't output until a world step is possible is a
> bug.  It forces programs that use the transcript to be rewritten in order
> to see transcript output.
>> For which I see two solutions:
>>   1. Next to the doIt menu item add a forkIt menu item -- so its
>> optional, but not the default
>>   2. Have a Preference that enables Transcript>>nextPut: to call #changed:
> Is this the entire solution space?

See (3.) above.
4. Run Workspaces in their own thread per VW (but that already got knocked

> Are there not ways of engineering the transcript to update at, say, 10Hz?
Can the transcript not be made to render changes much faster?

Still thinking about these.

> I see terminals with performance thousands of times faster than the
> transcript that still display output immediately.  I don't understand why
> the Squeak transcript is so slow.  That's a bug also.

>> The first I think could be useful anyway, not having to do a cumbersome
>> coded fork. This would also provide a measure of documentation and
>> discoverability.  There might be a submenu for forking at the different
>> user priorities.
>> For the second, it would be pragmatic to do what we can to facilitate VM
>> development on Pharo.  The preference can describe how it might adverse
>> affect multithreaded applications.
>> cheers -ben

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