> not that output is interleaved with a specific policy.

Hi Eliot,

I guess it was hard to analyse that output dump from your phone, and I
should have been more explicit.  The problem is not the interleave order,
but duplicate and missing output items.  I've cut down the example and and
manually reordered the Squeak items to make it easier to see this.

Transcript clear.
[   $a asciiValue to: $h asciiValue do: [ :c |
  [  1 to: 9 do: [ :i |
        Transcript show: c asCharacter printString , i printString , ' '.
  Processor yield.
  ] forkAt: 40.
] forkAt: 41.

Squeak 4.5 gives...
$a1 $b1 $b1 $c1 $d1 $e1 $f1 $g1 $h1
$a2 $b2 $b2 $c2 $d2 $e2 $f2 $g2 $h2
$a3 $b3 $b3 $c3 $d3
$b4 $d4 $f4 $g4 $g4
$b5 $c5 $d5 $d5 $f5
$a6 $a6 $c6 $d6 $e6 $f6 $g6 $h6
$a7 $b7 $d7 $d7 $g7 $h7 $f7
$a8 $a8 $b8 $c8 $c8 $f8 $g8 $h8 $h8
$b9 $b9 $c9 $e9 $e9 $f9 $f9 $g9 $h9

Pharo 50041 gives...
$a1 $b1 $c1 $d1 $e1 $f1 $g1 $h1
$a2 $b2 $c2 $d2 $e2 $f2 $g2 $h2
$a3 $b3 $c3 $d3 $e3 $f3 $g3 $h3
$a4 $b4 $c4 $d4 $e4 $f4 $g4 $h4
$a5 $b5 $c5 $d5 $e5 $f5 $g5 $h5
$a6 $b6 $c6 $d6 $e6 $f6 $g6 $h6
$a7 $b7 $c7 $d7 $e7 $f7 $g7 $h7
$a8 $b8 $c8 $d8 $e8 $f8 $g8 $h8
$a9 $b9 $c9 $d9 $e9 $f9 $g9 $h9

The Pharo output is untouched (except to insert newlines). Its ordering is
only a side effect of correct behaviour wrt showing *all* output *once
only*.  Indeed its only a side effect that the output ordering (presumably)
reflects the actual order that processes were scheduled -- but actually
this is a critical advantage when trying to debug multi-threaded race

cheers -ben

On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 12:20 AM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.mira...@gmail.com>

> Hi Ben,
>     first, thanks for responding dispassionately to the technical issues.
> As far as thread-safety I thought the issue with the transcript was not
> providing some form of protection against unpredictable interleavings of
> output from multiple separate processes, but was just avoiding lock-up.  If
> one outputs to another kind of stream (file, terminal window) from multiple
> processes you typically get jumbled output on a first-come first-served
> basis.  What one wants IMO is that the transcript remains robust, with no
> red morphs of death, not that output is interleaved with a specific policy.
> Eliot (phone)

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