How you gonna ensure that, when only tool that you have is a completely single-minded (err.. threaded :) ) / thread unsafe Morphic in your hands, that is absolutely dangerous to use outside UI thread and recipe for disaster when fiddling with its state or interrupting it at non-safe point? Red morphs of death is actually a good sign of that, that Morphic has little to offer to those, who dare to use multiple threads.

Sometimes i thinking, would it be better to throw away all that multi-threading crafts in VM and image, and make smalltalk *way more* simpler and straight (like many other interpreted languages, that don't have threads).. Because bulk majority 99.999% of our codebase never using/deals with threading anyways. Besides, most of the people finding multi-threading bizarre and confusing.. So, lets just throw it away, no big loss. :)

P.S. and i didn't meant to sound passionate, but rather sarcastic :)

Hi igor

We were dicussing with camille and guille about what would be the impact on executing doits in separate threads.
I'm really curious to see what we would get.


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