2015-05-11 13:06 GMT+02:00 Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@web.de>:

> About the GTools, I am sure you know it but, you can disable them and work
> with the good old Workspace and (Eye-)Inspector.

Yeah but I could not open the setting browser because you need to be able
to create a directory to do so and it didn't work. I could not either run a
Do-it. And EyeInspector also relies on several framework so I don't know if
it would have worked.

The problem is that going to the point where you reach your bug can take a
while in debug VMs / the simulator, so having to open the image form a
working VM to change it and restarting the debug VM / simulator takes a
while and reduce your productivity greatly compared to a squeak image.

> BTW, how do Traits depend on the bytecode set?
> Through markerOrNil. It looks for methods that have the pattern (at
bytecode level):

    ^ self traitConflict

I will add a fix for that next week. I am doing the next slice on things I
found were not working in the new bytecode set such as traits.

> 2015-05-10 16:43 GMT+02:00 Clément Bera <bera.clem...@gmail.com>:
>> 2015-05-10 10:37 GMT+02:00 Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com>:
>>> On 10 May 2015, at 10:28, Clément Bera <bera.clem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> 2015-05-09 23:21 GMT+02:00 Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com>:
>>>> I do not think there are many people around here that would think that
>>>> it is irrelevant if the Pharo VM can be developed in Pharo or not. Of
>>>> course, it is important.
>>>> So, the discussion should not go to challenge this direction, but
>>>> rather in you telling us the use cases that you need supported. Please note
>>>> that I did not say which exact code and how it should look like. I would be
>>>> interested in learning about the use cases you have. I am quite certain
>>>> that there are a number of ways to support them and when we work on GT it
>>>> would be useful to have your use cases on our table.
>>> Well I need many lines to explain each point and there are many... I can
>>> talk here about a few points. Then I will deal with Esteban for most of
>>> them because it is difficult to explain without an interactive discussion.
>>> Let me explain the use cases for the Transcript for example. The issues
>>> in Pharo are:
>>> - The Transcript does not show the stream as it is printed.
>>> - The Transcript does not inherit from Stream and thus cannot print with
>>> all the methods implemented in Stream.
>>> - The Transcript does not allow the user to decorate the text with bold,
>>> italic or colors.
>>> sorry… you can do that with squeak's transcript?
>> Of course you can.
>> Try short cut such as Cmd+ 6 or Cmd + 7. Else in the right click menu
>> those are the first 3 entries. And you can copy the decorated text from
>> Transcript to a Workspace.
> I am not sure this was changed on purpose. (from my other posts about text
> and fonts and my bug reports) I got the impression some people did changes
> (for cleanup or other reasons) and
> maybe don't know  what they changed or didn't not find the time to finish
> the cleanup:
> TextMorph righclick does not work anymore.
> Some text emphasis on FT fonts dont work.
> Some TextMorph halos don't work anymore.
> I don't think alls this was done on purpose.
> For the Transcript shortcuts for example, if we change
> ThreadSafeTranscript to use
> PluggableTextEditorMorph
> instead of
> PluggableTextMorph
> cmd+6/7/8/9/0 for changing emphasis/color
> works again.
Great ! Well that's one thing that can be fixed easily then. Thanks for
looking into it.

> nicolai
>>> *Usecase 1: Debug printing methods:* In the VM you have debug printing
>>> methods, for example, to print the call stack. These methods are used from
>>> the VM simulator, to output the string in the Transcript, and in gdb, to
>>> ouput the string in the commandline. The commandline (FileStream stdout in
>>> Pharo) and the Squeak Transcript have the same behavior. In Pharo, the
>>> Transcript does not inherit from Stream so you can't use the required
>>> stream methods to print the debug printing method on the Transcript. In
>>> addition, some printing methods print a lot of things and it is important
>>> to show the stream as it is printed.
>>> For this use-case, we want to keep the smallest difference between the
>>> gdb/commadline behavior and the VM simulator/Transcript behavior. If you
>>> implement advanced tooling in GT, you therefore need to implement gdb
>>> extensions (and lldb extensions because some of us use lldb instead of gdb)
>>> and maintain them. I don't think this is a solution.
>>> *Usecase 2: CCode generation debugging:* The CCodeGenerator or Slang
>>> translator translates Slang code into C code. Sometimes there is a bug. To
>>> debug, instead of generating the faulty C method into an external C file,
>>> we print only the faulty C method in the Transcript. Again, we want to keep
>>> the lowest difference between the real usecase (printing on the C file) and
>>> the debug usecase (printing on the Transcript). In Squeak the FileStream
>>> and the Transcript are both Stream, everything works as expected. In Pharo
>>> the Transcript has not the expected behavior. Again the method can be long,
>>> you can have to wait several seconds, so you'd like the transcript to show
>>> the stream as you print it.
>>> *Usecase 3: VM simulation:* Simulating the VM is quite slow, especially
>>> the machine code execution simulation. During the simulation process, the
>>> UI is non interactive and shows only every while what the simulator is
>>> doing in the Transcript. It is important as sometimes when debugging with a
>>> test at each machine code instruction it could take several hours before
>>> the UI is interactive again and you want to know what is going on. I don't
>>> complain that it takes several hours because the alternatives usually
>>> require days of debugging and we can launch the VM simulator overnight. In
>>> Pharo this does not work as expected.
>>> *Usecase 4: In-image machine-code compilation:* While working in the
>>> JIT compiler, sometimes the machine code generated for a bytecoded method
>>> is faulty. A common way of debugging it is to print the machine code
>>> instructions of the machine code version of the method in the Transcript.
>>> It can take a while to print, so it is important to have the Transcript
>>> showing the text as it prints. Then, the easiest way of debugging is to
>>> look at the machine code and understand what is wrong. For this purpose, we
>>> add text decoration to color jump addresses or the instructions where the
>>> instruction pointer was when the VM crashed. Then, in squeak, we can easily
>>> copy the decorated text to a workspace and generate a new version of the
>>> machine code method and compare. In machine code, it is very difficult to
>>> do analysis to have more information than just the decompiled text. We add
>>> some information while simulating because we know for example the address
>>> of specific trampolines, therefore we can print the name of the trampoline
>>> when we see that its address is called. Again, sometimes we also have to
>>> debug in gdb. In this case, we disassemble the machine code and compare it
>>> to the one from in-image compilation, so both printed strings have to be
>>> similar (similar text, same chariot returns).
>>> Another example is the complexity of the Pharo tools:
>>> While developing the VM, I have sometimes a VM partially working or with
>>> some plugins not working. In the Squeak image, I can open a workspace on
>>> top of this half-working VM and run do-its to see what is working and what
>>> is not. In the Pharo image, I can't do anything. You can't open the
>>> workspace without opening more advanced tools. I tried to open the
>>> Playground, but the first time there was a bug with Traits (Playground use
>>> Traits somehow and they were not working due to the new bytecode set not
>>> being finished), when that first bug was fixed I could not open it because
>>> it crashed simply the VM (I believe it tried to access an external file
>>> such as playground-cache). Currently, the Pharo team is trying to build a
>>> set of basic tools that have few dependencies to debug a partially working
>>> system (that I think you will use to debug glamour while editing it,
>>> because you cannot use the glamour inspector if glamour is not working).
>>> That would solve this issue.
>>> But in no way this point is something that I can do alone to be able to
>>> develop the VM in Pharo. This has to be a community effort. And I am saying
>>> that because I can't be blamed not to work on the VM in Pharo if to do so I
>>> need to spend many months changing Pharo.
>>> An example that I believe is a problem in term of the community is the
>>> following:
>>> I added with Eliot the support for the new bytecode set. Currently, the
>>> Squeak image works with the new bytecode set but not the Pharo image. This
>>> is because only the Traits are broken, but this is something I could hardly
>>> figure out in the Pharo image because nothing is working as the GT tools
>>> use Traits. In Squeak I believe there are very few users of Traits so
>>> everything worked, and the test suite can reveal that the Traits are broken
>>> easily.
>>> Currently, the VM process to me is to first make new features work in
>>> Squeak, because it is simpler, and then make it work with Pharo, which is
>>> more complex. In the last section I discussed how Traits were a problem
>>> while implementing the new bytecode set. So what is the long term solution
>>> for this issue ?
>>> - Will we have a bootstrap process that creates first a Trait-free
>>> Kernel and then build the Pharo Kernel out of it ?
>>> - Do we forbid people to use Traits in the Pharo Kernel and does that
>>> make sense to have Traits in Pharo in this case ?
>>> - If we don't do anything, maybe the Traits are only a slight difference
>>> with low impact in most cases and it's fine. But maybe there are many small
>>> aspects like Traits, such as the Slots the way they were used in GT
>>> recently (I don't blame GT or anything, it was just using features in the
>>> system that created issues for me), and maybe we reached a point where the
>>> complexity between the Pharo kernel and the Squeak kernel is big enough so
>>> that a VM developer will first make Squeak works when introducing new
>>> features and then deals with the complexity of Pharo ?
>>> So, what do we do ? I don't see any simple solution for this issue. And
>>> I believe there are people around that see as the only solution for this
>>> issue not to have the Pharo VM development process in Pharo because they
>>> will see it as a threat to what they want to do with Pharo.
>>> Best Doru !
>>> PS: I am still using the GTInspector with additional views on graphs
>>> created with Roassal everyday and I still enjoy it.
>>> PS2: I am on vacation currently because I was getting crazy looking at
>>> machine code all day long, so I may not answer as quick as usually during
>>> the next week.
>>> Cheers,
>>>> Doru
>>>> On Sat, May 9, 2015 at 9:31 PM, Clément Bera <bera.clem...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> 2015-05-09 20:25 GMT+02:00 stepharo <steph...@free.fr>:
>>>>>> Le 9/5/15 20:16, Clément Bera a écrit :
>>>>>> This whole conversation here shows very well the point that I tried
>>>>>> to explain to Stef last week. I'm sorry if the mail is a bit long but I
>>>>>> think this discussion has to be done.
>>>>>>  My whole Smalltalk development life, I have used Pharo and was
>>>>>> happy with it. Now I am also working in Cog's JIT compiler and for this
>>>>>> specific project, I am working with Squeak. I don't work with Squeak
>>>>>> because I don't like Pharo, I told you before, I have worked with Pharo 
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> all my project before, enjoyed it and if it was possible I would use 
>>>>>> Pharo.
>>>>>> I work with Squeak because the VM development tool and development 
>>>>>> process
>>>>>> simply does *not* work in Pharo. This is not only because of VM tools
>>>>>> working with the old Morphic not working anymore in Pharo or details like
>>>>>> that, it is also due to deeper changes in Pharo.
>>>>>>  Stef believes it is important that Pharo is able to host
>>>>>> development for its own VM. Therefore, I discussed with him and Esteban
>>>>>> about a first list of points that are necessary for Pharo to support its 
>>>>>> VM
>>>>>> development in Pharo, which includes this Transcript behavior.
>>>>>>  As of today, and I am honest here, I believe that what is required
>>>>>> for Pharo to support the development process of its VM includes points
>>>>>> which goes in the opposite direction than a few points in the Pharo
>>>>>> roadmap, that people in the Pharo community will see as a regression, as
>>>>>> "an intrusion from the Squeak philosophy into Pharo", or as forbidding 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> integration of features that breaks the VM development process. 
>>>>>> Therefore,
>>>>>> I believe the Pharo community would disapprove to make such changes and I
>>>>>> highly doubt that it is possible to have the development process of the
>>>>>> Pharo VM in Pharo.
>>>>>>  I was thinking that only a few points would be a problem such as
>>>>>> the increasing memory footprint of the Pharo image that is going to get
>>>>>> worse with the sources that will be included in the image in the future,
>>>>>> whereas a VM developer needs a small image (See previous threads in this
>>>>>> mailing list where Hilaire complains about that for example).
>>>>>> clement can I ask a simple question?
>>>>>> why did I ask guille to work on minikernels and bootstrap for his phd
>>>>>> instead on a topic where we can publish?
>>>>>> - choice A: lack of idea
>>>>>> - choice B: ....
>>>>> I have already stated that you believe that it is important that Pharo
>>>>> is able to host development for its own VM.
>>>>> I am not against what you did and I am very excited with Guille's work.
>>>>> Pharo is community-driven, so I am not asking the question to you
>>>>> only, but to the community.
>>>>>  However, I didn't think that even simple points like the Transcript
>>>>> behavior discussed here, which looks like to me as a regression and is
>>>>> required for VM development, would be seen as an improvement by a non
>>>>> negligible part of the community.
>>>>>  In this mailing-list, the whole Pharo community is present and can
>>>>> see this discussion. So the open questions are:
>>>>>  *Do you want to have the development of the Pharo VM in Pharo, or do
>>>>> you want the development of the Pharo VM to remain in Squeak ?*
>>>>> *Do you think a system that is not good enough to handle its own VM
>>>>> development is a good system ?*
>>>>>  I am not willing to go against the will of the community because I
>>>>> enjoy community-driven softwares. If the answer is that Pharo should be
>>>>> able to support its own VM development then as I started I will help
>>>>> Esteban and Stef to improve Pharo so that it can support its own VM
>>>>> development. Now, if the answer is that the development of the Pharo VM
>>>>> should remain in Squeak, I will continue developing the VM in Squeak.
>>>>>  You are the Pharo community, you are the ones that make Pharo alive
>>>>> and kicking, so you tell me what you think we should do.
>>>>>  Clement
>>>>> 2015-05-09 18:23 GMT+02:00 Eliot Miranda <eliot.mira...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>  Hi Ben,
>>>>>> On May 9, 2015, at 7:41 AM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Sat, May 9, 2015 at 10:09 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> From my limited experience bug hunting, calling #changed: from a
>>>>>>> thread other than the UI thread is a source of evil.  There are too many
>>>>>>> assumptions throughout the system that the UI is single threaded.  Can
>>>>>>> anyone advise me that is not a proper belief?
>>>>>>>  Then that implies that a Transcript implementation where #nextPut:
>>>>>>> direct calls #changed:
>>>>>>> is not appropriate for use with multi-threaded applications.  In
>>>>>>> Pharo, #changed: is only called from #stepGlobal, which is called from
>>>>>>> doOneCycle:.  (This came about as a last minute bug fix before Pharo 3
>>>>>>> release and maybe could use some cleanup.
>>>>>>>  Separating the UI from Transcript into its own viewer might be a
>>>>>>> good idea, but actually it would not solve Stef's case since his code 
>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>> still be running in the UI thread -- unless the viewer ran in another
>>>>>>> thread, which would have its own complexities.
>>>>>>>  I think the point about efficiency is significant. The following
>>>>>>> example...
>>>>>>>      Time millisecondsToRun: [ 1000 timesRepeat:  [ Transcript show:
>>>>>>> 'x' ] ]
>>>>>>>  on Squeak 4.5 --> 12749ms
>>>>>>> on Pharo 50029 --> 2ms
>>>>>>  As a point of comparison, on VW 8.0 --> 43817ms
>>>>>> and so you might guess, VW 8.0 outputs each 'x' immediately.
>>>>>>  cheers -ben
>>>>>>  Way to go, Squeak!  Actually this is disappointing.  I'm rather
>>>>>> frustrated with Squeak's slow transcript, and was hoping that VW would
>>>>>> demonstrate it could be faster.  Looking at the Squeak implementation I
>>>>>> only see an obvious 30% or so improvement via tuning.  Looks like good
>>>>>> performance will take more work :-/
>>>>>> Eliot (phone)
>>>> --
>>>> www.tudorgirba.com
>>>> "Every thing has its own flow"

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