Here is my take on it.!/~Latsabben/GafletFremgangFremviser

Best regards,

From: Pharo-dev [] On Behalf Of Hernán 
Morales Durand
Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 12:28 AM
To: Pharo Development List <>
Subject: Re: [Pharo-dev] displayingProgress on demand

Hi Thierry

2015-12-07 14:43 GMT-03:00 Thierry Goubier 
Hi Hernán,

Le 07/12/2015 18:16, Hernán Morales Durand a écrit :
Hi Sven

2015-12-06 17:34 GMT-03:00 Sven Van Caekenberghe 

    There is still #do:displayingProgress:

    There is Job.

    In general, the collection API should not be concerned with GUI
    matters, does it ?

Believe me when you're executing a large workflow processing 50Gb files
with 5 other people expecting feedback from the screen, the least of
your concerns is the purity of collection API. I don't know what other
coders do, kick your co-workers off the room? Sit to see a blank Pharo
To me the key is to have feedback from the system without having to
change your 20 iterators in a group of client classes where you NEED to
see progress.

Anyway I agree with you Collection should not have GUI dependencies,
that's the reason I took a different approach and that's why I asked
with an expression like:

SmalltalkImage setDisplayProgressTo: MyClass.

with such kind of expression you never touch the Collection API. You
just walk MyClass for every enumeration messsage send (of your interest)
and perform a transformation. Note the same "technique" could be applied
for logging and/or profiling.

Yes. The Jejak tracer uses a similar technique. I'd guess others do as well.

Will have a look to Jejak, thanks.

    We can't have equivalents of all collection methods for displaying
    progress, nor can it be a (semi-) global setting.

Sure, that would be the anti-object technology :)

So I implemented a prototype which injects JobProgress code in methods
using RBParseSearchTree. On uninstall I plan to recover the previous
version of marked methods. No need to touch the Collection API at all,
nor a setting. I am sure the same could be done with MethodWrappers but
RB can manipulate AST nodes.

However if there is a better idea I would love to hear about it.

Could you put your RBParseTreeRewriter scripts somewhere? I'm interested.

Ok for the first part create a FooClass>>foo: method

foo: aString

    aString asFileReference entries
        collect: [ : fileEntry | self openOnFileNamed: fileEntry fullName ]

this one injects a node inside the Job block:
For the next one, first add

RBSequenceNode>>addNode: aNode after: anotherNode
    | index |
    index := self indexOfNode: anotherNode.
    index = 0
        ifTrue: [ ^ self addNode: aNode ].
    statements := statements asOrderedCollection
        add: aNode afterIndex: index;
    aNode parent: self.
    ^ aNode

but now I am failing to see how to replace #collect: with #collect:thenDo: 
using the rewriter:

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