Hi John,

Thank you for your feedback and help!

I started a ProgressBarInstaller using your corrections. Unfortunately
SmalltalkHub is not working for me right now but will check tomorrow and
share the link.

Best regards,


2015-12-08 13:56 GMT-03:00 John Brant <br...@refactoryworkers.com>:

> On 12/7/2015 5:27 PM, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:
>> but now I am failing to see how to replace #collect: with
>> #collect:thenDo: using the rewriter:
>> http://ws.stfx.eu/MOWS947F000O
> You don't need to first search using the RBParseTreeSearcher. The
> RBParseTreeRewriter works with search patterns. What your code is really
> doing is searching for the literal pattern that it found from the
> RBParseTreeSearcher in the FooClass>>foo: method:
> aString asFileReference entries
>         collect: [ : fileEntry | self openOnFileNamed: fileEntry fullName ]
> It then tries to replace it with the pattern:
> `@collection collect: `@arg1
>         thenDo: [ : fileEntry |
>                 index := index + 1.
>                 JobProgress progress: (0.1 * index);
>                         title: 'Procesing...', index asString ]
> However, since neither `@collection nor `@arg1 appear in your search
> pattern, you get an error.
> Here's a version that works:
>         | cm rewriteRule replacement |
>         cm := FooClass >> #foo:.
>         replacement := '`@collection collect: `@arg1
>                 thenDo: [ : fileEntry |
>                         index := index + 1.
>                         JobProgress progress: (0.1 * index);
>                             title: ''Procesing...'', index asString ]'.
>         rewriteRule := RBParseTreeRewriter new
>                 replace: '`@collection collect: `@arg1'
>                 with: replacement.
>         rewriteRule executeTree: cm parseTree.
>         rewriteRule tree newSource
> Essentially, I used the same search pattern you used, but I used it for
> the RBParseTreeRewriter and removed all of the RBParseTreeSearcher code. If
> you want to change all #collect: sends in a method, then you should
> probably change `@aCollection and `@arg1 to ``@aCollection and ``@arg1.
> John Brant

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