Hi David,

Just for your information, Cuis uses a file-per-package format. It looks really 
nice on GitHub and on SourceTree. As far as I can tell, there has not been much 
merging going, though. So it is entirely possible that it turns out not to work 
as well as the filetree format when merging.

> Am 29.01.2016 um 23:45 schrieb David Allouche <da...@allouche.net>:
> Thanks Dale for all the explanations.
> How Monticello and version control relate in the big picture is starting to 
> make sense for me.
> Now, I better understand why filetree ended up uses a file-per-method format, 
> even though that is relatively hostile to git user interfaces optimised for 
> other languages. There is really a need for a file-per-class exchange format, 
> because that would works a lot better with the existing VCS ecosystem.
> I think more package-based user interfaces would indeed be a very good idea, 
> for browsing and for source code management.
> Stef, I have the impression you think that git is popular because it is a new 
> shiny toy. I disagree with this idea. Git is a typical worse-is-better tool. 
> It's good enough for most people, but it still has many shortcomings. It is 
> popular in spite of its shortcomings. It became popular as destination for 
> projects shifting from CVS and Subversion. So it is unlikely to be displaced 
> by a newer, incrementally shinier tools. Anything that will displace it will 
> have to provide an improvement of a similar magnitude as the jump between 
> centralised and distributed version control.
> Still, I think it's a good idea not to restrict high level models to what git 
> provides if that's a less than ideal fit to the image model.
> I have a lot of ideas to improve browsing and source code management in 
> Pharo. I can make no promises, but I would like to produce something there.

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