Le 04/02/2016 14:32, Nicolas Cellier a écrit :

2016-02-04 10:26 GMT+01:00 Thierry Goubier <thierry.goub...@gmail.com

    Le 04/02/2016 10:04, Nicolas Cellier a écrit :

[... cut ]
        Or is it the fact that some .mcz could be missing?
        Consider this is a feature, MC tools are robust to missing .mcz
        just that you'll have to redo the merge if you lost a common

    What? You really consider that a feature?

Sure. Consider it's somehow like a git squash...

I consider history rewriting a very bad idea...

But, if we are at that, I just consider that the removed versions do not exist anymore, and are not visible (should not be visible) in the history, and that you have perfectly predictable correct behavior, not can't do this because package version X is missing.

        Or is it the fact that some repository might contain only a slice of
        This is another feature... You can view all the versions in a
        of repositories without needing to replicate.

    Understandable in theory. Unworkable over time and change
    (repositories disappear and die, and this stops working)

But that's the same with over vcs, repositories disappear and die
(google code etc...).
Knowing that you can take usual defensive decisions (replicate what you
depend on and not trust too much).

I mean that VCS recreate a working history and log when you are in such a situation. MC just let you believe you have all and fail when you attain the holes.

        You can replicate if you want but it's not mandatory and completely
        So yes, this information - the list or repositories you want to
        - has to be stored separetely and this can sound quite
        But IMO, it's an important feature: it gives much resilience for
        a very
        low investment.
        And that also mean that you can hardly break things (have

        Maybe when you say broken, you mean not 100% git compatible?

    No, what I say is true mcz inconsistent history (missing versions
    making merges very unreliable, basically).

Loosing a .mcz on which you branched is a bit more than unfortunate,
it's a lack of understanding of the tool...

Not true. MC let you believe it will cope and it doesn't, which is not exactly the same.

I say give git squash and rebase to unexperimented/uninformed people and
that will be far worse.


    I describe a while ago a case where, thanks to mcz features, I
    couldn't merge a small change done to Roassal without generating a
    ton of conflicts. I moved the three needed mcz(s) to git (the change
    ancestor, the change, and the current head), did git merge and had
    no conflicts.

Do you mean that git succeeded in merging text because different lines
were changed in different branches?

No, in fact it was a clean merge because the changes in the branch were on methods untouched in the main... git recreated a proper history and could merge, whereas MC with the mcz history generated conflicts without any reason.

I agree that it can solve some basic refactoring (renaming...)
But couldn't it lead to syntactically incorrect code? Traditional
Smalltalk IDE are not well equipped for handling this...

Yes, this is partly why we're looking at more integration (merge tool) and we may have to do more (a smalltalk syntax checker before commit could be nice; CI does wonders on that).

The biggest grief I have with MC is more about package delimitation,
when code is moved from 1 package to another.
For example, this effectively prevent merging very distant branches like
Squeak and Pharo
(but we do not want to merge, just cherry pick in fact).

Ok. Merge with multiple packages, right?

    If you consider those features, then I disagree.

    I'd really like to improve MC and get a better integration.
    Considering those as features just make me think that Eliot may well
    be right in believing we'll end up throwing away MC completely.

As long as it's as efficient, and well integrated in IDE, but again,
it's against the small steps approach...
For me small steps would be to replace mcz name indexing by UUID
indexing and just keep name as a façade.

I'd agree with that, as long as you don't ask too much of compatibilities with some of MC features (:)).

I'm quite sure most work is at server side. How difficult would it
really be?

Why server side? I don't think it is.

No one will consider this maybe, because it's against the stream ;)

No, in fact we're on it. Git integration is showing us where MC is weak, and we're trying to fit it with MC.

    Coping with MC idiosyncrasies is hard as it is, and at least a
    complete replacement is being considered for Pharo. In the meantime,
    Cuis has completely given up managing packages in Smalltalk: all is
    done in git, externally.

But Cuis vcs come from dinosaure era (change sets) so anything else is
already a progress.
Doing that in Squeak would feel like a loss of

I agree.

Why didn't Pharo took the same path?

Than Cuis?



        2016-02-04 7:53 GMT+01:00 Thierry Goubier
        <thierry.goub...@gmail.com <mailto:thierry.goub...@gmail.com>

             Le 03/02/2016 23:58, Dale Henrichs a écrit :

                 On 02/03/2016 02:34 PM, Thierry Goubier wrote:

                     Le 03/02/2016 22:51, Eliot Miranda a écrit :

                         On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 12:54 AM, Thierry Goubier

        <mailto:thierry.goub...@gmail.com>>>> wrote:

                              Hi Eliot,

                              Le 02/02/2016 21:54, Eliot Miranda a écrit :

                                  No it's /not/ the end of the story.  The
                         essential part of the
                                  story is
                                  how Monticello remains compatible and
                         interoperable between
                                  dialects.  I
                                  haven't seen you account for how you
        maintain that
                                  compatibility.  As
                                  far as I can tell, you propose
        replacing the
                         Monticello metadata
                                  that from git.  How do I, as a Squeak
        user with
                         Monticello, ever
                                  get to
                                  look at your package again?  As I
                         it, moving the
                                  from Monticello commit time to git
        means that
                         the metadata is
                         in a
                                  format that git determines, not

                              Yes. See below why.

                                  So I don't understand how on the one
        hand you
                         can say "The
                                  metadata in a git repository is
        redundant and
                         leads to
                                  commit conflicts -- end of story
        ....", which
                         implies you
                         want to
                                  eliminate the Monticello metadata, and
        on the
                         other hand you say
                                  keeping the Monticello metadata.  I'm
                         hopelessly confused.  How
                                  does the
                                  Monticello metadata get reconstituted
        if it's
                         been thrown away?

                                  What happens to the metadata in the

                                  load package P from Monticello
        repository R
                         into an image
                                  change P, commit via git to local git
        repository G
                                  load P from G into an image
                                  store P to R via Monticello

                              It's not a scenario I've specifically
        worked on,
                         but all the tech is
                              implemented / implementable to do that

                              The only thing that is problematic there
        is that
                         the only safe
                              history is the one generated from git...
        there are
                         so many MC
                              packages with broken history that, on mcz
                         you have to
                              admit that it's not safe to base things on

                         I'm sorry but I don't accept that.  In the
        Squeak trunk
                         we have history
                         in our mczs that is correct.  Certainly in
                         I have history
                         that goes back a long time.  If bugs have
        broken history
                         then efforts
                         should be made to repair that history.  But you
                         just write off
                         Monticello history like that.

                     I don't. You presuppose.

                     I write tools that work with Monticello
        repositories, not
                     just yours.
                     I have to do with what is given to me. On a general
                     as a mcz
                     user, I'll just have to consider that you are as
                     to be
                     trusted as with any other mcz producer. This means
        not much...

                 ... And this is the reason why I am inclined to favor
        option 3,
                 records the package version history as it existed at
        the point
                 it was
                 copied into a git repo. When copied back out from the
        git universe,
                 create a version history that starts with the original
                 and generates a history of the package in git ....

             Which is not very difficult to do given how GitFileTree is
             implemented. And I agree this may well be the way to go.
        But ...

                 Correct or not, the Monticello version history should be
                 preserved ....

             I wonder about that. The property of the Monticello version
             is that it has value when you can access the versions
        listed in it.
             If you mix repositories like that, unless you maintain a
        link to the
             previous mcz repository, pre-git versions can't be
        accessed. So,
             most of the time, what we do with a project moved under git
        is to
             clone the previous repository, not take just the current head.

             (you'll notice, by the way, that vcs usually work that way when
             moving from, say, CVS to git - you move the entire
        repository, not
             just the latest version).

             In short, the question would really be:
             1- should we invest into making that integration of past
        history a
             selling point (but I foresee issues down the road; I've only
             described one so far, and I have seen others)
             2- into making a better "clone" of a package history,
        timestamps and
             everything when moving a complete repository to git?

             Honestly, I'd consider 1- to be the easiest to implement.
        2- there
             is already some code floating around.


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