Le 3/4/16 18:23, Aliaksei Syrel a écrit :
This means that any abstraction/wrapper around athens will fail.

What if we would remove drawingShape and by default leave drawOn: method to be empty. That way we would not put any constraints on rendering part. user just gets athens canvas and can do whatever she wants.

Instead we would have only clipping shape and event area shape.
What do you think? :)

I have the impression that this is a good solution.


On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 6:04 PM, Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com <mailto:siguc...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 3 April 2016 at 17:58, Aliaksei Syrel <alex.sy...@gmail.com
    <mailto:alex.sy...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            And you lost me here.. That is complete nonsense.. from
            any perspective.
            Can i unsee this code, please? :)

        If I would say that we have defaultShape method and it can be
        overridden as:

             ^ BlShape new
              fillPaint: (BlColorPaint new color: (Color yellow));
              path: BlRectanglePath new

        would it make you happy?

    Nope. (see bottom of reply why)

            .. to me it feels like: okay, what we need to do, to
            prevent overrides of our beloved default #drawOn: method.

        You are wrong concerning preventing to override drawOn :)
        Don't forget that there was a customer
        *requirement* concerning bloc:

        Can we change how morph looks on fly? Can we create a
        rectangle morph and change it's shape from rectangle to
        circle? Because it can nicely show while presenting that
        *Pharo is live system*. I'm pretty sure Stef said it once ago.

        Do you see how bloc story can nicely be told:

            We have basic UI elements and each element has shape that
            can be easily changed live. Shape is defined by a path
            which can be filled or stroked using a paint. Complex
            elements can be created as composition of elements with
basic shapes (rectangle, circle).

        Isn't it beautiful? :)

    Nope. Because it would be beautiful, if your statements would be
    reflected in
    reality and by reality.
    In your example #defaultShape method, you simply isolating some
    behavior into a separate method. It does not changes anything.

    You want to achieve to be able to change shapes on the fly. Good.
    A honourable goal. And welcoming. No objections here.

    But can we achieve it without losing being able to change the
    color of shape on the fly. Please? :)
    The way you introducing it goes straightly into conflict with: i
    want to be able to draw anything, the way i feel and like.
    You proposing a bad trade: oh yeah, you wanted to change shapes on
    the fly.. good.. but at cost of unable to draw anything else than
    simple rectangles in simple order..
    Well.. i am not buying such trade. Can you sweeten a deal?

    The point is, that shape is not the only thing you need to put
    into equation in order to get thing on the screen.. You also need
    paint. And that's the reason why you have
    fillPaint: (BlColorPaint new color: (Color yellow));

    (lets put aside the hardcoding of color in unrelated place
    (defaultShape).. for the sake of example)
    but does that fully covers all and any possible ways and needs of
    Nope! Again not..
    And voila, say welcome to composite "shapes" or "elements" or call
    it as you like it.
    But does that fully covers all and any possible ways you can draw
    something with Athens?
    Nope, it is not. Again. Sorry. You can achieve that only if you
    completely encode all possible operations and features provided by
    Athens using some kind of command pattern and put them in
    'element' or 'compositeElement' or
    'compositeOfCompositeElementsComposition' whatever.

    For instance, how you going to encode AthensPaintMode into your
    I guess you will offer to kill it with your 'it is not used so
    often' knife.

    Can't you see that you basically creating a wrapper for all Athens
    feature set.
    I can tell you that you wasting effort: you cannot get anything
    extra by doing it. Except from extra complexity.
    And for what? Something that already there and can be used out of
    the box.

    If you don't like Athens API - go on, and change it. Make it
    better and more convenient to use. But encapsulating all possible
    combinations of all possible drawing operations? Good luck with that.


        On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 3:37 PM, Igor Stasenko
        <siguc...@gmail.com <mailto:siguc...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            On 3 April 2016 at 16:20, Igor Stasenko
            <siguc...@gmail.com <mailto:siguc...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                On 3 April 2016 at 15:28, Glenn Cavarlé
                <gl...@cavarle.fr <mailto:gl...@cavarle.fr>> wrote:


                    Aliaksei Syrel wrote
                    > However, in most UI of applications (in web,
                    mobile) it is extremely rare
                    > that clipping or event handling areas differ
                    from drawing one (visual one
                    > -
                    > one that user sees in the end).

                    It is the same for desktop UI (Qt, JavaFx,...).

                    I think the misunderstanding come from "shape", so
                    let us forget BlShape and
                    concentrate on BlElement.

                    In fact, using Bloc now, If we want a Rectangle
                    with an clickable inner
                    Circle, we have to defined 2 elements, the
                    Rectangle one and the Circle one
                    (subclass of BlElement or using script style).
                    The CircleElement must be the child of the
                    RectangleElement but we don't
                    have to override any method or to rewire
                    CircleElement events back to its
                    parent, we just need to add an event listener to
                    the CircleElement from
                    where we want.
                    It is the same with a Text in a Rectangle, we need
                    a BlElement for the Text
                    and another for the Rectangle in order to compose
                    them and to position the
                    Text in the Rectangle.

                    For me its like defining a CircleButton in a
                    RectanglePanel with any other
                    ui libraries, i can do that by subclassing Panel
                    or by using script style.
                    But i have to manipulate 2 elements and it makes
                    sense for me.

                    Bloc does not provide user-friendly high-level
                    abstractions at BlShape or
                    BlElement level like BlCircleShape or BlCircleElement.
                    I don't know if it is the right place to add them
                    but it is clearly a point
                    of misunderstanding when people uses Bloc.

                    It seems to me that Bloc is not made to be used
                    direclty as a graphical
                    framework but it is a librarie to build more
                    user-friendly graphical
                    Shape, Path, ... are implementations stuff, most
                    of users should not care
                    about that using a "framework".

                Thanks for explanation..
                Now i have a hard time understanding, what is the
                purpose of so-called 'element'. Element of what? What
                its role?
                What its interaction between morphs and shapes, and
                what you see & feel on the screen?

                >From your description, what i can tell is that it is
                completely unnecessary.
                You have morphs to define hierarchy/composition.
                And you can use shapes to define geometry for UI/clipping.
                As for drawing - there's no need to put any
                constraints, you don't have to even mention that there
                are shapes involved. It is indeed, an implementation
                detail from that perspective, since you drawing things
                using Athens, and it uses shapes to define affected
                regions. But that completely orthogonal to what
                happens at UI level.
                Thus, it is very surprising to me see following code

                super initialize.
                (BlShape new
                fillPaint: (BlColorPaint new color: (Color yellow));
                path: BlRectanglePath new);
                    extent: self extent

                because it is really seems like encapsulation of what
                you gonna draw..
                and putting it into #initialize method in some form?

                And you lost me here.. That is complete nonsense..
                from any perspective.
                Can i unsee this code, please? :)

            <acid mode on>
            .. to me it feels like: okay, what we need to do, to
            prevent overrides of our beloved default #drawOn: method.

            And you talking about 'sophistication' after that?
            </acid mode off>

                    PS: @Alex, what are the planned refactoring? I'm
                    lost in the new intentions
                    and in the roadmap of Bloc...

                    Glenn Cavarlé
                    View this message in context:
                    Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Developers mailing
                    list archive at Nabble.com.

-- Best regards,
                Igor Stasenko.

-- Best regards,
            Igor Stasenko.

-- Best regards,
    Igor Stasenko.

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