> Let’s turn this energy into something positive. Please propose a concrete
> set of default keybindings that you think would work better. In this
> process, please take into account all keybindings that are already defined
> in the code editor (it might not be so easy as it appears).

As I've said:

1. can we unify the shift vs ctrl+shift nonsense? (I'm using linux btw)
2. can we use the default shortcuts pattern where one of the letters is

as for the shortcuts themselves, problem is proceed, restart & into

proceed: ctrl+shift+p is not taken, so I don't see why it has shortcut
confusing with restart
restart: ctrl+shift+r indents, but I'd argue that uniformity is more
important here... indent is just convenience
into: ctrl+shift+i is taken (I've never used it, but it maybe it's
important), but we can still use ctrl+shift+n and underline n (point 2)

If points 1 & 2 are implemented, then the letter is not as important,
although first letter is always preferable.


> Cheers,
> Doru
> > On Apr 16, 2016, at 8:37 PM, Peter Uhnák <i.uh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm getting fed-up with GTDebugger shortcuts since they are completely
> random.
> >
> > Can we have them more meaningful and/or somehow visible?
> >
> > For now I ended up overriding the labels so I can at least see them...
> but doing this is also stupid, because I still have to look at them since I
> cannot remember random shortcuts.
> >
> > <debugger.png>
> > ​
> > 1. can we unify the shift vs ctrl+shift nonsense? (I'm using linux btw)
> > 2. can we use the default shortcuts pattern where one of the letters is
> underlined?
> >
> > Peter
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> www.feenk.com
> "Value is always contextual."

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