2016-05-04 13:43 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnák <i.uh...@gmail.com>:

> by a factor of at least 2,5x compared to pure Morphic (I've seen a 5x).
> This doesn't mean anything. Can you please provide concrete numbers (what
> you experience) and what is your expected target? Because I do not have
> such problematic experience.

It depends a lot on the underlying platform you use. If you are on a
Macbook Pro with a core i7 with turbo boost of 3GHz, no Pharo GUI, even
very badly coded, will register.

On a lower spec processor, it is significantly different.

> Even if morphic took 40 ms and Spec 100 ms to open a window, then it's a
> non-priority problem (~100ms to open a medium-sized window is a non-issue).
> Unless you are opening such windows every minute…

I'm talking about 250ms to open a very small window, 400/500ms for some
tools, and a significant delay on many interactions because you have to
wait for the rebuilding of a window components. It becomes problematic when
you can type faster than the GUI reacts (scrolling with keypresses, for

> Also I am a bit afraid that the slowness would come from the layout
> processing / composing the objects… which is a really complex piece, and
> right now our priority is cleaning up the user-facing API.

When profiling, it doesn't seems to be the layout. But processing the
object spec, yes.

> But at least we can think about it, whether we would be able to do
> something about it now or not.



> Peter

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