On Sun, May 8, 2016 at 4:28 PM, Stephan Eggermont <step...@stack.nl> wrote:

> On 07-05-16 22:04, Peter Uhnák wrote:
>> We question whether this belongs to AbstractWidgetModel, as only  > three
>> (TreeModel, ListModel, and TabModel (iirc)) benefit from it in
> > any way.
> ContainerModel, DropListModel, ImageModel, LabelModel, MenuModel,
> TextModel and WindowModel.
> So no.

Can you give me an example of how would you use it with LabelModel?

> The same questions also  > applies to Styles (color, borderColor,
>> borderWidth). Which I would >
> prefer to remove altogether (it's not really used, and I question >
> whether whether it even belongs to Spec side).
> Where would you like to define application style default overrides
> then? People ask about this all the time, and the reason it's used so
> little is because our implementation in the widgets is so bad:
> very inconsistent naming and default styles ignoring overridden values

If we separate it, then we can think about how to apply it properly. Right
now it's not really possible to unify.

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