
> On Jun 8, 2016, at 8:44 AM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
>> Hi Stef,
>> Thanks for the feedback. Sorry for the long email, but I you raised several 
>> issues and I thought it is worth addressing them.
>> The feature we are talking about came into being after several suggestions 
>> on this mailing list (and quite some long discussions) that had the scenario 
>> of keeping track of several executions. In the first version of the 
>> Playground it was not possible to paste directly in the playground. We did 
>> not impose anything, it was the contrary.
> and the result is that I can spend time removing spurrious comments.
>> From your email I see that you would rather prefer the variant of embedding 
>> the text as is after pressing Enter. Is this correct?
>> Here is another variant:
>> - Cmd+p
>> - Cmd+v ==> paste the string directly in the editor without comments
> why not.
> but this is confusing with copy paste.
> So will you corrupt the current selection.

Hmm. I do not see this one, so I need a bit more explanations. Here is what I 
- in the old editor, the behavior was that when you pressed Cmd+p, the printed 
text got selected
- in my proposal, you press Cmd+p,Cmd+v and you get exactly the same text 

Did I misunderstand something?

One note: Cmd+v would not imply copying to the clipboard.

> So should I trade copy/paste with getting a value printed.
> May be cmd+r for raw

This is tempting. How about Cmd+Shift+p (force print-it)?

This brings us to the cmd+shift issue. I wanted to ask for a longer time how do 
you press Cmd+Shift+n for references? Is there a difference in how you use the 
keyboard in that case? Please note that I am not mocking you. I want to know.

>> ...
>> This discussion is one of those. We wanted to solve the most often appearing 
>> case in which we use Cmd+p as a way to preview quickly the result. Pasting 
>> the code in the existing playground is an edge case for Cmd+p, not the 
>> primary case.
> how did you measure it?
> Because for me this is always the inverse.

I watched people deleting the printed code so many times, including me that 
this became frustrating enough to trigger a new solution. Then when we released 
the playground 2 years ago, people liked it and they only announced the need 
for a way to keep track of execution results.

>>> ...
>> Let’s do a remote session and I watch you do things. This week I am 
>> available this Thursday morning or Friday after 11.
> I'm not available. Going to hard rock concert with teenagers.

Have fun :). How about next week on Monday?



"Every thing has its own flow."

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