On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 4:12 PM, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> On 11 Jun 2016, at 08:53, Alistair Grant <akgrant0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Esteban,
>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 02:52:46PM +0200, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was doing a pass on the catalog??? I think is very negative that 
>>> non-documented projects appear there??? because most people does not know 
>>> what does projects are about and newcomers will find weird a project 
>>> install tool with lots of projects without any description.
>>> So I was thinking on put an option ???show all??? and hide those projects 
>>> by default??? but now I think those projects SHOULD NOT BE VISIBLE AT ALL,  
>>>  as a way of:
>>> - offer better experience to non-power users, and
>>> - encourage people to actually document their projects??? is very annoying 
>>> to have so much of them without any documentation.
>>> What do you think?
>> Rather than hiding projects that people were legitimately allowed to add
>> (at the time), why not modify the catalog to not accept projects
>> that don't have sufficient metadata, including the description?
> it is not possible right now, and the hiding would work as the same.
> people were legitimately allowed is also relative… truth is that most 
> undocumented projects comes from MetacelloRepository (the original one) and 
> there was no catalog nor metacello toolbox :P
> but most important: most of those projects are unmaintained projects are will 
> not load anyway, so they are not just source of noise, they also can make the 
> community looks bad, I think.

I agree its discouraging to see lots of blank descriptions when
browsing the catalogue.  Indeed it makes me wonder "is it working",
which is bad.  However I see something like Aconcagua which probably
is very useful to have a catalog entry for, but maybe their it has no
definite "owner" in our community.  A solution besides completely
hiding them would be to have an [Undocumented] tab.

Then if the Catalog Browser had a help topic with a recipe on how to
update the description of undocumented entries
(download/modify/upload) perhaps(?) it would be easier for the
community to contribute to updating them, than if they never appeared.
I think our community image is maintained if the undocumented projects
are segregated in this way.  I think mainly brand/image suffers when
deficiencies turn up in "official" looking locations.  Not so much if
its a designated badlands.  It about user expectations and surprises.

The default description might advise these were imported from a time
before the catalog description field was defined, and refer to the
help topic to request help updating the descriptions.

cheers -ben

>> IIRC there was some discussion about hiding or lowering the priority of
>> projects that haven't been modified or confirmed as working in the
>> latest versions of Pharo.  That would still be useful.
> well, hiding them would certainly “lower the category”. My first approach 
> (toggle hide/show) would work...
>> Between the two, that would get rid of undocumented projects.
>> Just my 2c,
>> Alistair
> cheers,
> Esteban

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