Le 23/12/2016 à 14:27, Denis Kudriashov a écrit :

I always catch myself that I am completely lost in method versions (and
feel pain :)).
There is no clue what at the left pane and what at the right pane.


I often revert to a wrong version...

Now I realize that VersionBrowser is trying to compare selected version
versus next version (according to list order).
So right pane shows selected version and left pane shows next one.
For me all of these is super non intuitive but maybe it is only my
problem. So here I want to ask about your experience. Do you feel same?

I would prefer if VersionBrowser will always compare selected version
versus current version in image with actual image version on the left
and selected version on the right.

Any solution which doesn't require me to guess which pane relate to what I want to revert to has my vote.

In short, what you describe replaces a non-obvious, arbitrary pane allocation by another one... maybe just more familiar to you.

What you think?

That you are suggesting a solution which is maybe a bit more intuitive for you, but not that intuitive.



Best regards,

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