Le 23/12/2016 à 18:13, Nicolas Passerini a écrit :
I agree, current version is not intuitive.

I'd like to see someone come with an idea that covers both uses of the version browser:

1- Revert to a previous version of a method

2- Study and compare the various changes the method went through

Denis wants 1-. Current version browser focuses on 2- in a rather uintuitive way, especially if you are trying to do 1-.

Moreover, is it possible to consider a design that could allow Iceberg
or other tools to contribute older versions from repository?

This one is easy and has been working for GitFileTree for a long time already.

Technically, a few years ago, the version browser was rewritten to use Ring as its underlying code model; filling the version browser with RGMethodDefinition(s) allow you to use any source for past versions of a method.

The API in gitfiletree is:


And you just need to change a single line in the version browser, as in:




[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/filetree/blob/pharo6.0_dev/repository/MonticelloFileTree-Git.package/MCFileTreeGitRepository.class/instance/gitVersionsForDefinition.in..st [2] https://github.com/ThierryGoubier/AltBrowser/blob/pharo6/Alt-Browser.package/AltVersionBrowser.class/instance/buildChangeList.st

2016-12-23 16:16 GMT+01:00 Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com

    2016-12-23 16:04 GMT+01:00 Thierry Goubier
    <thierry.goub...@gmail.com <mailto:thierry.goub...@gmail.com>>:

        In short, what you describe replaces a non-obvious, arbitrary
        pane allocation by another one... maybe just more familiar to you.

    No. I suggest current image version on left pane with visible label
    "current version". And selected version on the right pane.
    Also when you will switch from one version to another left pane will
    be never changed which will be visible and intuitive indication that
    new selected method is on the right pane because only right pane
    will change.

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