Then we will need Cairo + SDL2 (that does not work for us)
I do not get why SDL20 would not work for us while it is used by gaming
engines. Are we that special?
We built interactive applications for Thales with complex event touch and
now suddenly "it does not work for us" TM.
I have the impression that each time I see Bloc we need something more
special (now this is Gtk)
To me it looks like it is a systematic "fuite en avant" with even more Mb
consumption each time.
Personally I do not care of blur and effects, or color max filters. Right
now you do not even have a single example of something that is not a little
Why we cannot have a tk/tcl or red-language like working system? I mean
working now and not relying
on multiple MB of code extracted from an existing project?
+ Freetype2 (for fonts) + Graphite (glyphs shaping technology in order
to use them within vector graphics engine) + cross platform OpenGL /
Vulkan context/device provider for hardware >acceleration + implement
Filters for effects (blur, lights, color matrix filters, etc...).
Without all those technologies bloc WILL progress, from 80's to 00's.
Still decades behind :)
Well I would prefer to have something from the 00 working now that from
2016 not working.
Because now what I will do is continuing to work on Morphic because this
is what I have.
You see I removed graphics from my future books. You probably do not care.
In the future I will concentrate on anything else than graphics and
widgets like that I will have no frustration.
Hacking the compiler finally should be a lot nicer.
You see next week I go to visit alain and I will not discuss nor work on
such topics like that no frustration.
Finally I will not comment anymore on Bloc anymore. I should not have.
You do not seem to understand my point so I will shut up but years will
pass before Bloc will be integrated in Pharo, because
integrated means maintained by us in case the guys behind bloc/brick get
hired by anybody else on earth.
You seem to underestimate that part.
Ok you are super right and I'm super wrong.