On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 7:12 AM, Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com>

> heh.. you see my pain! right now i have to deal with C++
>> and seeing all these
>> const Type & foo const..
>> and cannot parse it..
>> :)
> I think that C++ tries to avoid this confusion by not using "method" for
> the members of a method, so for example it does not define variables inside
> a method as "method variables" but rather "local variables" so AFAIK C++
> has "constant method" as a method that is not allowed to change but it does
> not  have or at least I have not seen "method constant' as a variable
> inside a method that does not change but rather refers to it as "method's
> local constant variable" while "constant" alone is implying "global
> constant variable".
> In case C++ did define as you said the confusion  would  extend even more
> to what you mention because "method constant" would imply a method local
> constant variable and not a return type.
> As Python zen's states "its better to be explicit than implicit" . Sure
> long names take more time to type(unless you use auto completion) but they
> avoid such confusions and the need to take a look at the documentation.

Hmm.  Our language doesn't have method variables, either - class variables,
instance variables, and temp variables (among others).

Maybe this should be called 'asTempConstant' ?  (although a 'temporary
constant' sound really, really weird...)


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