Can people just explain to my why we have so many big threads each time
a default settings is changed?

I understand that some settings need a certain default value when it
come for discover-ability of a feature. But why so many noise for
feature that are totally taste dependent? The principle of settings is
that some people will like the default one and some will not like it.
That's the point.

Why are people so afraid of settings? I have the impression that Pharo
has no setting system each time I see those threads.

Neverless, I agree that we should have a way at the first launch of
Pharo on a computer to let the user define some common settings as
Squeak does. It's a really cool feature of most IDEs (like Intellij for
example). Probably too late for Pharo 6, but not for Pharo 7.

I am just a little tired to see this many noise for things like that.

Cyril Ferlicot
2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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