> Am 15.04.2017 um 16:39 schrieb Stephan Eggermont <step...@stack.nl>:
> On 15/04/17 16:02, Norbert Hartl wrote:
>> And comparing the capability of building
>> contrasts with colors, dark colors win, sorry. At least that were the
>> last researches I've read.
> Which ones? https://webstandards.hhs.gov/guidelines/106 seems pretty
> clear.
Yes, it is clear that 

"When users are expected to rapidly read and understand prose text, use black 
text on a plain, high-contrast, non-patterned background." 

That is what I said. If you read a lot of text then dark on light works better. 
This is not the case if the text is colored which it is when syntax 
highlighting is used. A lot of colors typically used within highlighting build 
a weaker contrast with white then they do with dark background.
I don't have the papers at hand. I try to find those references again.


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