> On 17 May 2017, at 13:29, K K Subbu <kksubbu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> STCommandLineHandler>>#end is defined as:
> ---
>       | quit  |
>       quit := self commandLine hasOption: 'quit'.
>       (self commandLine hasOption: 'save')
>               ifTrue: [ Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: quit ].
>       quit
>               ifTrue: [ self exitSuccess ].
> ---
> Can this be simplified to:
>       ^Smalltalk snapshot: (self hasOption: 'save')
>                 andQuit:  (self hasOption: 'quit')
> Is it necessary to call exitSuccess when only '--quit' is given?

Yes. #exitSuccess does a bit more:
1. return an exit code to the command line
2. print a message
3. check if the session has changed
4. allows for overriding and special handling of the Exit exception.

You should not assume that nobody needs that :)


> Regards .. Subbu

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