> I think this is the major disconnect between the consortium and the
> community.

Eliot you should pay attention to what you write on public forum.
Because this is your perception.

For the record, this is since 2012 and previously with the squeak
foundation that we created with marcus that we are
trying to create a sustainable model for the development of Pharo and
we are getting there.

Now I'm not saying that the consortium is the perfect solution, but it
is a solution that
is working with the current social and economical tools of our 2010
modern societies.
I do not have the energy of creating alternate models and fight with
the laws of multiple countries.

So I'm utterly PRAGMATIC ***My main goal is to make sure that esteban
and clement can be paid by us and that after 5 years of
of investment (RMOD paid the salary of clement full time over 5 years)
we do not lose smart brains.
My main goal is to make sure that clement does not have to go to work
for Google or other companies (because finding
a well paid job is not difficult for talented guy).

> We should be trying to find finding models that reach individual
> contributors as well as permanent engineers.
> We have to foster a growing community.

This is what we are trying to do. But first we should secure the basis.


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