Le 08/06/2018 à 19:43, Nicolas Cellier a écrit :


Yes, I don't know these languages enough, but it's indeed an extensible specification of types (as expectations). And this have values both for tools (compiling/browsing/static checks) and humans. Oh, and if it helps browser, then it helps humans, because browser is for humans.

Yes. And the browser is a very limited view of what is currently underway...

Our Smalltalk way would be to use many small Traits specifying the API and have optional type hints using those Traits
(wasn't it a Strongtalk experiment?)

Not sure. My view at the moment is that we have three ways to reach that point: expressing intent, or guessing it (or learning it). I think most code already contain enough information for the last two to work reasonably well, and approaches that forces you to add optional type hints (another level of information, that is) are rooted in the past.

But note that such static analysis imposes more limits on code than necessary:
If I have some method like this:
   myInstVar doSomething

Then a naive static inferencer will deduce that myInstVar can't be an instance of MyPartlyPolymorphicClass
because it does not responds to doSomething .

Yes. This is a first concern with types: they rejects incomplete programs (this is a point discussed in the paper Ben linked).

However, it's a lot more involved to analyze whether myMethod is ever reached... For example, if myMethod send was protected with a guard clause or exception handling...

     myInstVar likesToDoSomething ifFalse: [^self].
     myInstVar doSomething

     [myInstVar doSomething] onError: [IncorrectInput raise]

IOW, since myMethod is not private, I can't guaranty that the library is correct. But a more clever analyzer could guaranty that a certain usage of that library is.

Even in OCaml or Haskell, I'm not sure whether the type inference would be powerful enough...

Well, using it shows you it is rather impressive...

Looking at 'myInstVar doSomething' it nicely express it as any class which answer to doSomething


And that was the point where I restarted using Smalltalk instead ;)

If a static thing with all its complexity (composite types, inheritence, modules, etc...) is just giving you the same duck typing as Smalltalk does, why do I have to put up with all the additional complexity for a so small gain?

In the time of a short introductory course to OCaml, you understand that you are spending a lot of time dealing with types, unnecessary dealing with them, fighting with them, fighting with the type inference limitations, fighting with the confusing error messages, and that just to write smalltalk-like code in a smalltalk-like vm (in a less elegant syntax, to boot).

OK, maybe such liberality is not a good feature in the long term
i.e. necessitates implicit knowledge of crooked implicit pre-conditions that message arguments must meet, or render the understanding of code difficult, thus the testing, the review and the modification worse, etc...

I think a good system would probably learn from source code analysis and code traces (unit tests execution) to build a complete type model.

I think machine learning is nowadays good enough to do that.

Remember that you don't need it to be "proven sound", just good enough to help you.

Remember that static type checking catches about 5% of the bugs, and probably just easy ones. And that an approximate type checker would probably catch them as well...

But it might be very useful for short term experiments.
Allowing partially correct programs/libraries is an important feature for the exploring phase.

Essential. Thats the power of dynamic langages and environment

I'd even state that as a rule:

- If you evolve a static type to a language, someone will create a dynamic typed equivalent of that langage (and a community will use it).

With a corollary:

- since the PL community is only doing static typing, the dynamic typed equivalent will be badly implemented by applying none of the PL research that could help.

    > I have differently tainted colleagues still thinking that the type help 
    > reading code...
    > So, IMO, this assertion reflects the dominant culture rather than 
    > merits.

    I still think that whatever name you use for your variables, you often
    convey an idea of a type with your naming choices (i.e. felix is
    probably a cat, probably not a dialog box....)

Agree, type and semantics have some coverage, but as I wrote in answer to Thomas, such inference requires prior knowledge.

Yes. Or better inference.

I once had a colleague choosing completely arbitrary names for temporaries (like the first name of his children).
Whatever the presence of type declaration (C++), this was really disturbing!
Bad names are bad names, and the type declaration does not help that much in such case.

Agreed. I'm sure someone or a tool can correctly type-guess out of my usual set of variable names... i is allways an int in my code :)




     > Nicolas

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